MMO fags, why aren't you playing Warhammer?

MMO fags, why aren't you playing Warhammer?

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is it good?

It's good yeah if you like PvP and waaagh!. Had a 600vs600 siege last night which is cool even though it lagged like hell

i'm not too into standard warhammer but do the orks still waaagh as you say?

All the current MMOs and "Live Service" games have gone down the shitter. Happy to give this a try, didn't even know it existed.

in what universe do they not waaagh?

How active is it?

Hows the PVE?

Wanna explain this?

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Well there's practically no "donations" on this server so you're good

As you can see on the site there's 1500 players right now and this isn't even primetime. Lazypeon did a video on this server and the population skyrocketed.


Destro reporting in.

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big if true

How moderated is this server? It's easy not to be a shithead in public, but will I get banned for bantering with my friends in party chat?

I can say this game is not worth it for the PvE

Just don't use the global chat channels for shitposting.

how much warhammer lore do i need to understand to play this game?
i've played the total war games and have a vague understanding of the races

Trolls get banned constantly and questions get answered with no trolling so it's pretty good.

the last time I played this most of the classes were genuinely unplayable, worst example being engineer I think

Is there any 'how to start'.
Else it will just be on my desktop for a good couple of weeks since I don't have the time to mess around and figure everything out for the next weeks.

Tempted to try it, just to play dark elves.

Dark Elves are great fun, all the classes are enjoyable but there is no such thing as a solo class, really.

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Personally all warhammer lore i know is through this game

If you want lore go to /tg/ /wfg/ general and in the OP you will find pastebin links. Download armybooks from there and learn about factions from their lore sections. Don't think this game is very loreful.

I mostly just want to roll a sorceress.

>Don't think this game is very loreful.

It has thousands of stories, lore entries and plots in the in-game compendium, you are even rewarded for finding out more about the world as it expands certain entries, gives titles, special cosmetic trophies etc.

Sorceresses are the big ranged dps nukers of Destro. As they cast more spells their dark magic meter fills up, increasing your damage, crit rate and crit damage but occasionally blowing back spells and damaging you as you cast them. High risk, high reward glass cannons.

Yeah, but I seen some screencaps of those texts and they are not always very loreful same with certain classes. But I guess it doesn't matter much.

Yeah the game isn't canon and it doesn't give a full explanation of every little detail. Great for finding out surface info though and introduces alot of Warhammer concepts in an easily digestible manner.

too bad we never got a good warhammer mmo.
if there comes a new one today it needs to get rid of the theme park formula, i fucking hate wow.

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>nigger nigger
>faggot faggot
It's just banter guys

So where are all you virgins?
All on a certain side, in a particular group?

Can't wait for this cheap looking wow art style to die.

>wow art style
based retard

So nothing's changed then.

>powertripping admins who ban for whispers between friends of any topic they deem unfit
hard pass.
>instant, lengthy bans if you mention covid at all
lmao fucking WHAT

this is the main problem with private servers. Admins are always faggots

>nice way to use your last chance

Looks like mods are reasonable if they give multiple chances.


I wanna see some proof of this. Not that I don't believe you, just want to laugh.

>banning for whispers
Yeah, no thanks.

>banning for whispers.

Fake news.

>powertripping admins who ban for whispers between friends of any topic they deem unfit

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