> 70% staff turnover
> game sfx quit so he has to hire movie sfxers
> ND doesn't pay his staff
> game is filled with SJWism, anti-christianity, anti white male.
> Kills off central beloved characters for the lulz
Whats their endgame?
> 70% staff turnover
> game sfx quit so he has to hire movie sfxers
> ND doesn't pay his staff
> game is filled with SJWism, anti-christianity, anti white male.
> Kills off central beloved characters for the lulz
Whats their endgame?
Like any other jew in their subject matter, undermine game industry.
the nose knows
Man imagine working under this piece of shit, ND looked happy when they where working on uncharted and tlou1
Why do Christians have a persecution complex?
>Whats their endgame?
get this piece of shit out and make bank because the project is too big to fail.
Reminder that Anthem sold really well opening week. "lol got mine" - Developers
God i hate this picture of him why does this faggot take himself so seriously
As someone who is lapse christian at best, it does get tiresome that christians are tapped as the villains dujour whenever they need someone stupid and angry. They could at least narrow it down on the actual perpetrators - American Baptists, Presbyterians, and Catholics
>70% staff turnover
any source for this?
Imagine being a j*w.
>70% staff turnover
I don't like nu-Naughty either, but I'm tired of brainlets spouting this number. The source for this is a (((jason schreier))) piece, it mentions that 14 out of the 20 non-lead designers are no longer at the studio. This doesn't mean that the entire studio has a 70% turnover rate.
>it mentions that 14 out of the 20 non-lead designers are no longer at the studio.
Addition - For uncharted 4, so nothing of value was lost anyway
>game havs a gang ofhassidic jews as main game villains,
>they hunt the MC while wearing yarmulkas and swinging dreidels
Imagine the collective kvetching it would cause
I’m from the Deep South and all I ever see Baptists do is eat copious amounts of fried chicken at church greetings. West borough is the only Baptist church I’ve ever seen that pulled any shit.
That you've seen
The endgame is victim points, as it always is.
Firing all employees with little to no severance packages. Restructuring and rebranding. Neil is fucking off to do TV what he wanted to do in the first place. Goes to show never believe in gaming studios, only the employees who made the great games.
I mean, I watch the news and shit. What other baptist church is well known for being assholes? I’ve seen nobody mention anything but West borough.
Maybe they should stop molesting kids all the time
Why is that a bad thing?
Yeah, those are Catholics. Nobody is defending them.
It’s not necessarily a problem, it’s just a double standard. If they were openly anti Jewish or Muslim, the game would never get made. If we can’t as humans criticize all religions equally, we have some problems with society.
Why does it seem like so many Sony studios are transitioning into making movies. I'll be fine, if you just give me a good 2 hour cutscene
It's just fair to have a middle ground between the two points.
Just like in any Star Trek episode.
kike detected
the goyim know
of course you can't even make a distinction between sects. you people are the worst kind of retarded because you think you're clever for craving oblivion and death
Like every fucking kike, basically subvert and destroy the fundamentals of every culture other than their own.
They don't have to do it consciously, it's in their blood at this point.
You can read Josephius works on Rome and you will learn that even then Jews were doing this shit with taking over important roles.
They will take your beloved heroes and symbols of your culture and rape them in every way possible for lulz.
>He thinks his religion will save him from oblivion and death
Thanks for the laugh, and good night
A lot of writers and creative directors in gaming wanted to do hollywood screen writing, but the industry even 10 years ago was different. Now the bar to enter is much lower, as someone with a wacky idea that goes against the grains of normal television format has a much better chance at being picked up for a series or a streaming film.
Christians and Muslims should join together and destroy your kind once and for all
If I had to deal with repeated explicitly atheist antagonist being on the same level as God’s not dead, I’d get pretty annoyed after a while too.
it's morning fuckhead
Just remember, this is the same studio that made Crash Bandicoot and Jak & Daxter. Even Uncharted was very light hearted. The Last of Us truly killed ND's soul and joy.
Look at the actual structure and functioning of the three abrahamic Faiths - its clear that Judaism and Islam, with their interpretation, commentary on, and reinterpretation of scripture compiled over centuries to aid in matters of faith, the emphasis on acts over belief, etc, have much more in common with each other than either has with Christianity. If it wasn't for the religiously-motivated colonization of Palestine irreparably damaging relations between the two faiths this would be immediately clear to everyone.