But he's a guy

But he's a guy.

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*dad walks in*
>Why don't you go out and find a cute girl like that son?
what do

Do it faggot

Good morning, fellow faggots

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tinyurl.com twry5ma
tinyurl.com vxempnb

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Is Steins Gate worth watching?
I just want to see the trap.

No fucking dad would say that about a drawing.

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No. Playing? Yes. The anime has to condense the story and also doesn't show the alternate endings

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I know there are games but I didn't know the anime was just condensed game.
Also bollocks to the alternative endings and realities that make Ruka a girl.

"i wish they were real"

i'm straight but i would fuck him

I want a Ruka gf(male) so bad

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Girl Luka obviously wasn't the most important to the writers anyway. Either way you get more out of boy Luka in the VN. I would recommend playing all of the VNs if you like the first one

Aye I would.
But VN's are stupid money for an interactive comic.

literally not you, just some person that died last year

That's a very weird thing to imply. I'm definitely me and that's definitely my stuff.

First of all, what is piracy
And $12 on sale isn't that bad, particularly among VNs.

Just started this last week. Got to chapter 3 and I'm wondering how do I actually affect the story in meaningful ways. Just the emails I send?

literally anyone could be posting that, there is 0 proof it's you and from the past activity on those accounts that person is deceased

normies cannot comprehend the idea of not paying for something, their entire existence is to make money for others

I'm a guy too
Doesnt change me from enjoying looking cute as FUCK

I've just not been in the mood to make any new porn. You can literally just send me a message on Twitter and I'll say hi back.

The emails are required for true ending flags and achievements. Later in the game you can get the alternate endings by choosing not to send D-mails. They're pretty short so I would do them and load the save in the main story once you're done. You don't really get that much choice in where the story goes, which is to be expected.

>not in the mood to make new content
then why are you here if you dont respect the craft

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The craft, huh? I dunno, I just post it when I see off topic gay bait threads. Don't go around implying I'm dead, that's weird.

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nah you're just some rando stalker stalking some poor guy who probably abandoned his social media after you creeped on him and now you are trying to illicit a response by posting his old stuff he probably never logs in to anymore, I've seen those exact links several times in these types of threads so I guess you know his interests

You say it like we're paying you
He's right, it doesn't make sense to spam your links if you don't post anything. If you want me to coom then you had better provide

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i had him as my wallpaper for a few months like 8 years ago
my big sis told me she was a cute girl
this is how my decent into faggotry again

Demo... Otoko da...

It is enough for me knowing i get anons hard, that is how I have my fun. I take pride knowing i dont need to tie my pornhub or twitter to my posts to enjoy lewdposting


He's a good guy

>ruka is a boy
oh god yes
>they change him into a girl
>he goes back to a boy

if you think a shitty video with half assed moaning and really bad cumshot (which wasn't even hands free) gets me hard you really should just continue not making anything since you clearly don't know what you're doing and hold no respect for the craft

VN's are overpriced shit.

I didnt post the video user, i am this ass in particular

what a sad and pathetic life you live, holy shit

I'm in the middle of working out and too lazy to go grab something else but here's some of my clothes you can find in my pictures pretty easily.
I wouldn't personally use the word spamming. I prefer the term enriching.

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nice ass, nice legwarmers, clean your room, get a better camera or learn to use the one you have better and do at least some editing

creepo confirmed, leave the poor boy alone

Then why are you in a thread talking about one?

enriching implies you're giving anyone anything of value.