DOA thread

New event is up on steam.

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38 red tickets = nothing
10k V-stones = pic related

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15k V-stones later = pic related

I'm good for this event, I just hope my current 45k V-stones will be good enough for Fiona.

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Nice user, I got Tamaki in 60 tickets and Kasumi in 45k stones

Also, I love Kasumi!

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Also, new nostalgia banner but the reward for this event is the old 19/11 ticket for whatever reason

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Gonna save my stones

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What future suit are you saving up for, user?

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Wanted Kasumi since I have Tamaki on DMM. Rolled Kasumi. Gacha isn't a bitch for once.

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What the fuck is a cover girl bonus?

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20k stones and 30 tickets for Kasumi.
I'm all out now, so I probably won't be able to get Tamaki.
Also how the fuck do I upgrade this suit? I don't have any appeal upgrade mats...

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The SR suits you roll in this banner and any anniversary dresses provide a bonus to your score at the end of the match for every girl equipped with said suits.

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Does awakening the SR from this event give skills to anyone?

>he didn't buy APL large upgrade stones every event

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This is my 3rd week of playing...

No, APL SRs aren't bound to girls so don't give skills. Awakening does give a higher cover bonus though.

You get them from the store or through event rewards

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Is it worth using over Ayane's anniversary ssr?

Reminder that Tamaki has a big sister fetish.

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I think it should give a higher CoverGirl bonus than the event SRs.

Are the green smile currency only for vip currency stuff?

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Well, APL PvP events are not very newbie friendly.

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You can trade it in for VIP points or roll the friend gacha which gives you accessories, upgrade materials and food. The gacha ends up giving you more value but it takes forever to roll if you have millions of points.

Ah, hopefully she comes out next.

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SR gives you a score bonus, more currency drop, more SR crystals drop so it should be more efficient to use it. Night dress better be used for cover bonus.

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I wonder what's gonna be next on DMM and if it'll be worth spending stones on

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Fuck these apl suits.
Save your shits boyz, pvp next week!

They won't do two ranking events in a row user

But it's pvp right now

>Each girl in an anniversary dress gives +7% to your score
Well this totally won't bloat the scores like crazy. I rolled 10k for Bombays and keeping the rest.
Also what's with them calling the suits 'undies' in the cutscene? I thought these were all swimsuits™.

Dresses give +7%, while SR only gives a +2% bonus, so keep the girls not in matches in the dresses for sure.

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>its pajama party

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They are going to reuse older evetns from now on and add new characters with their events?

Oh shit, oh fuck.
This is a pvp? A fuck me, ma bad

on one hand I'd be disappointed as fuck but on the other hand It'd be great to get a bunch of stones for the event after

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>Reuse older events

Hmm? The rerun for the First Pajama Party was kind of a unique thing and hopefully the last of it.

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Post more like this!

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New girl tomorrow.

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In case I missed something, is it still not possible to modcheat in all swimsuits?

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What does the event ssr's malfunction look like?

>still no kanna
>I sleep

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is that a guarantee?
you can get the suit meshes and modify them to fit other body types and use a mod like Costume Customizer or Swimsuit Swapper or even just a simple replacement mod to use it
Obviously, it wont have the stats and bromide and shit

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In VV? You can make mod swaps but the quality usually isn't the same as actual suit. Some of them are good enough. Hard to find most of the time though.

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Is Tamaki penetrating Ayane?

>is that a guarantee?
According to dataminers.

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