>windfall is the only interesting location
>the only rewards are useless treasure charts
>majority of islands are just for one heartpiece/upgrade and there's no reason to come back
Even the DS sequels were better in all those aspects.
Windfall is the only interesting location
It was fine. It's become popular to treat Wind Waker and Twilight Princess as if they were mediocre but I don't think they are, they stand very well among the best games of their generation. I guess they weren't as innovative as Ocarina of Time or Breath of the Wild, nor as artsy as Majoras Mask but neither did they need to be. Compared to Skyward Sword, they're masterpieces
but Majora's Mask had such a living fleshed-out world and so many sidequests, how can you compare it to wind waker?
OoT felt bigger and better and it was released in 1998
>tfw they didn't know yet that "summer blockbuster" could be a thing with games too and had to push for that Christmas release in at least one territory
They could've still hit a fiscal sweet spot and actually shipped a finished game.
Post medli
I’m convinced this place doesn’t like any post-SNES Zelda game
Because it's loaded with padding just like Wind Waker.
I don't have Medli, only Tetra
But I love MM
Also I played PH and ST before Wind Waker and I thought I was missing out, then actually playing Wind Waker proved me wrong.
Well you should play them again because Majora's Mask has literally all the same problems as Wind Waker. The only reason one gets crap and the other doesn't is because of the different aesthetics and nostalgia.
How can you seriously compare the mask sidequests to treasure charts
Because they're both equally useless.
WW: go to the spot on the map, get a heart
MM: Talk to NPC wearing the correct Mask, get a heart
Or worse you'll get masks like the bomb mask that basically do nothing since only a moron would actually run out of bombs
How can you be so wrong
Yes there are like 50 heart pieces in the game and at least 1/3 or even half of them are gotten through duplicate minigames but that's about it for padding
A mask with a useless gimmick is infinitely better content than a minidungeon that gets you a treasure chart that leads you to some rupees, and you don't need a treasure chart in the first place for that
The entire main quest is padding
Sneaking around Deku palace, getting the Goron kid to stop crying, collecting Zroa eggs, playing "I Spy" with Gibdos
Padding, padding, padding
Windfall being the only fully fledged town other than your hometown (and arguably Dragon Roost although it's fairly sparse) was disappointing, but the majority of islands being one-and-done puzzles is not unlike the world design of pretty much every game ever, where you don't revisit most locations more than once after completing whatever challenge was there originally.
Regardless of WW's flaws, to do this day no other game has captured the wondrous sense of adventure I got from my first time setting sail from Windfall and hearing that glorious overworld music.
That's pure personal preference and that's all this debate ever comes down to. People presenting their personal nostalgia as objective fact
I like Windfall, Dragon Roost, and Outset
I don't see all that as padding at all. If it makes sense in-universe, then what's the problem? Wind waker is much worse because for half the story KoRL just tells you "Link go there, go here, I will explain later" which just feels forced
Except I played MM for the first time 2 years ago and Wind Waker this year but ok
To me needing to collect pieces of the Triforce makes tons of sense for a Zelda game, but WW never gets a free pass for that
So naturally you're going to notice this stuff more in the one you played second.
I think you can only enjoy this game is if you were 9-15 between 2003-2006. This game is dreadfully boring but it tricks you with its cool music and aesthetics into thinking its something more
Actually I don't mind that part because it tells you to explore the world so it's a good moment to also visit the side content
Except there is barely any interesting side content
I find the figurines in WW more interesting than masks, but, again, personal preference, nothing objective.
Both games have the same problems but Wind Waker touches on my personal soft spots in ways that Majora's Mask doesn't so Wind Waker is a game I really like and Majora's is the game I find to be really average
Spirit Tracks was NOT better in those regards than Wind Waker.
Actually this is a peak gamecube game. In the sense that every nintendo game was rushed out before it was actually finished to bolster sales in any way possible. Playing a first party gamecube game always leaves you with that feeling that if a few things were tweaked or there was more content, this would be great
You're just using "padding" as a synonym for "thing I don't like".
Not really
Do you know why I mentioned the DS games in OP? Because they give you ship upgrades as rewards for side content
And things literally nobody care about if they were not in the game. Nobody would any of those segments if they were just taken out.
WW and TP look great today because of how shit the gaming industry has become. Back in the early 2000s, gamers were a lot more critical and didn't just eat up every shit game a certain publisher released. We took the 6th gen for granted. The reception WW received basically taught Nintendo that fans hate change, which is why TP was basically OoT 2.0. And now that gaming is no longer a niche hobby, Nintendo have no reason to be creative ever again. BotW may be a step in the right direction but the soul is long gone and may never be recaptured.
Good observation. The Wii U was the same.
Which are mostly aesthetic in their differences.
>And now that gaming is no longer a niche hobby
how much of a zoom do you have to be to believe that gaming was a niche hobby in the early 00s
There are some that feel finished, like mario 3d world or mario kart 8. But mario sunshines and wind wakers flaws are well documented by now, mk double dash really couldve used those retro maps or new cups for more content, melee is well liked but its glitchy and so on
would care*
Both DS zeldas have more towns worth visiting more than once
or in the 90s
That's kind of the point though in establishing a New Hyrule to replace the old one. It would actually feel weird if it didn't have more towns than the Great Sea
Are ANY of the Zelda games worth bothering with?