what does Yas Forums think of Don't Starve Together? It doesn't get discussed much around here but I find it to be one of the best co-op survival games out right now.
What does Yas Forums think of Don't Starve Together...
tell me about it. is it good singleplayer too? klei's other games have been good shit
the single player is really good, though I actually havent played Don't Starve but just solo DST. It's kinda rough not knowing what to do for your first few hours since the game doesnt give you any hints on what to do. You'll be dying a lot at first, but it gets more fun after you've gotten a hold of the game's mechanics. Then, it gets way more fun when you have other people who you can play with.
wait is solo DST different to DS?
quite a lot
>People pester devs non stop for years to make a coop version
>Devs finally cave in
>Game is forgotten and barely played 2 weeks later.
It's a whole separate game in fact. Basically if you want to play with friends you can get Don't Starve Together.
>15k players on right now
>forgotten and barely played
ok buddy
i hit a roadblock with this game because its too hard to judge what you are strong enough to fight. I hate having to start over just because I was trying to learn how the game works
if I want to play solo, should I not get DST
the player base is irrelevant. It's not like you're gonna join random servers where everything in the overworld has been mined and gathered already and it's the middle of winter. All you really need is like 4-8 friends to play with, which is like $30-60 in total.
much like nearly all other games these retards like to declare "dead"
yes monsters in DST have more health. also the ruins and cave are merged in DST, they are different floors in the original game
Crashlands is a lot better in that respect
when you die, you're just punished by getting a tombstone item and some of your stuff is left where you died
It is phenomenally different. DST originally started as Don't Starve, then got the Reign of Giants content added, then diverged and did its own thing completely.
Meanwhile Don't Starve got two more maps to play through:
1. Shipwrecked, where you survive on a tropical archipelago and construct boats and ships to raid other islands, search for treasure, and try to survive. Don't get killed by the volcano.
2. Hamlet, the Don't Starve "Hard Mode" where you survive on a series of larger islands that are connected to pig cities and tropical jungles as you explore them. Beware the Aporkalypse.
Both games let you play as Wilson, Willow, Wolfgang, Wendy, WX-78, Wickerbottom, Woodie, Wes, Maxwell, Wigfrid, and Webber. Shipwrecked added in Walani, Warly, Wilbur, and Woodlegs. Warly was later added to DST as DLC. Hamlet added in Wilba, Wormwood, Wheeler, and Wagstaff, and Wormwood was added to DST as DLC. You also have to do puzzles and challenges to unlock Wes, Maxwell, Wilbur, Woodlegs, and Wilba in DS.
DST added Winona, Wortox, and Wurt as exclusives, and massively reworked Winona, Willow, Warly, Woodie, and Wendy.
SP > Multi
good post, thanks user. I guess I'll try DS
you can fight most things just learn to kite instead of tanking hits
My thoughts are that I wish I still had friends to play it with.
Maybe pirate it to begin with. That's what I did with the single-player and it's one of the few games I ended up buying all the DLC for even though I'd already played it to death without paying. There's a lot of shitty games that get shilled for here, but Klei games deserve support in my opinion. You do have to play it for a while before it gets fun though. Your first few hours will probably be more frustrating than fun, but eventually you should have the breakthrough that it's a game that highly rewards your knowledge and planning.
I can play with you user
Anyone who isn't good at the game wanna try getting into it?
Every time I play with friends someone always dies to something and we haven't survived for more than 20 days.
I have like 70 hours in it but I still don't know shit about the game.
I shill pic related constantly, and should also shill mark of the ninja because that was dope
What's the best comp for 5 players? Two of my friends swear by Wendy and so when we play we always have two of them. I play Wortox as a support/low maintenance roamer. The others usually play Wicker, Maxwell, or WX. However, we usually get fucked by Deerclops and everyone pretty much is dead come summer. I really want to get further in the game since we already have meter and base management down.
I'd accept that offer, but I'm about to fall asleep. Thanks for offering though, user.
5 Wilson chads
You don't have to fight Deerclops. Just drag his ass into the swamp and let the tentacles do the work.
I like it with friends, but it's ok alone. A shame that Shipwrecked and Hamlet are only in the single player version, the latter is particularly good. Still, DST is the superior version even for solo worlds.
Wendy is great for mob control, because Abigail stunlocks the shit out of other monsters and can tank swarms while you and friends can sweep them all up. She underperforms against bosses though, since Abigail dies pretty quick and Wendy doesn't hit all that hard herself.
If you have the newer characters, Wormwood and Wortox and good.
My ideal 5 would be Wicker, Wolfgang/WX, Wormwood, Warly, and a fill like Maxwell or Wortox. Wicker+Wormwood will give Warly enough crops to make superfood for everyone. He can also nice buff Wolfgang or WX into a mega bruiser with food. Maxwell is good for resource collection but in my games everyone does their part chopping and mining so it's whatever. Wortox is so good though since he's usually one less mouth to feed and he's the only real support healer in the game. I guess Wendy is also fine as a hunter gatherer as well since Abby will be all you need to get unlimited monster meat from spiders and hounds
Park treeguards near your base and lure deerclops to them once he comes. You should hear him a minute before he gets to you so just run away towards the treeguards before he fucks your base up
Wigfried is best waifu
Charlie is also good
Fuck wendypedos
>Wormwood and Wortox and good.
Wouldn't really suggest Wormwood to a beginner