World's first Strand™ type game, a unique and exciting genre of Strand™ games never seen before

>World's first Strand™ type game, a unique and exciting genre of Strand™ games never seen before
>Game flops on day 1


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And funny enough a good portion of Yas Forums started to like it. Ended up being more comfy than all the shitposting made it out to be.

>World's first tranny game supported by Isreal's government.
>employees get treated like animals and releases leaks before day 1
>massive pre-orders cancelled
>game is shit


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Did someone really make that image and think "Heh, this is funny"?

The quality of this website has gone terribly downhill in recent years.

I wasnt a huge fan of the game either but I doubt it was a flop. Pretty sure i read it sold a crap load and it seems to have a dedicated fanbase.

Its one of those, you either love it or hate it games.

It's the only game in existence that deserves to be called kino.

Anyone know what the total sales were? It can't be that good when it became 50% off after a month

>stop moving

Attached: neverbegameover.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

The names Higgs Boson

You know, like the GOD PARTICLE. I bet you never heard of it.
It's an estimate but it's all we have.

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They won't release the sales figures or comment on its commercial success. Reminder to people that this wasn't just some normal game. It had millionaire actors and brand new technology.

Been here for over 14 years and it has always been full of memers and retards, stop being a nostalgic faggot.

Rent free

God, I hate this fucking pretentious asshole. Slapping Social Links from P3 on a micromanagement/load balancing simulator and calling it a genre.

It still boggles my mind how this garbage came to be? Did people just suck Kojima’s dick so hard after he got fired from Konami that it all went to his head? Is he the George Lucas of videogames and this is his prequel trilogy?

Bro it's art, you just don't understand it

I agree, I picked it up a week ago, had a good time

He used Sony's money to make a shitpost: the video game.

Going to be big on PC. They love these coop shared worlds type of shit.

>this website
These memes are being produced on reddit. Did you seriously assumed that modern Yas Forums can create anything?

Modern Yas Forums created that meme format
Everyone else just runs it into the ground

Now this is embarrassing.

And back then they were created in different forums. No difference, same shit, different time.

Actually, for some reason Europe loves this game.

>new IP
>sold 3 million on 1 console

>>World's first Strand™ type game, a unique and exciting genre of Strand™ games never seen before
>makes Yas Forums completely lose its mind and keep making threads about the game for eternity

Most expensive game ever made. 3 million is a flop.

Burgers don't generally like slow paced games like this due to being on drugs all the time.

I keep seeing people parroting the
>strand type game
bit that dunkey put in his shitty meme review as if it is some sort of knock against the game, when it clearly accomplished what it wanted to do in that regard
>players build paths and assist other players through indirect cooperative gameplay
>game hammers home this point by having you play sci fi mailman
if anything it just shows the low brow nature of the average vidya consumer/shitposter that they can't grasp the entry level message kojima was going for outside of all the usual jap vidya plot/writing bs

Source: your ass
>1 studio rather than a worldwide network of studios like ass creed of cod
>engine already exists
>took like 3 years to make

>New IP By Hideo Kojima
>Casting of Stars By Hideo Kojima
>Marketed By Hideo Kojima
This may even seem like shitposting, but all of that was stated By Hideo Kojima himself.

Sure faggot fix your spacing leddit

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Europe is a continent it doesn't love anything

>nooo please be humble nooo you can't say that you're a lead developer

Don't knkw. That achievement estimate is the most we know. So at least 3 million up to maybe 4 million at most.
MGSV sold 6 million copies and was Kojima best selling game.
This being a new IP vs the next entry in a big franchise it's hard to say what Sony expected.
Did they expect 6 million like MGSV did? I can't think of why they would expect any new IP to sell the same. I doubt they expected it to sell more than any game he's ever made either.

>clearly state it is not a shitpost
>still finds a way to feel offended by it

Sad how you have to resort to fantasy to support your stance.

I'm German and I know French as well. I know that Germans and the French gave this game a lot of good reviews and game of the year awards. Was voted game of the year on some french website and it beat out Sekiro. It also topped sales in Italy

Personally didn't play it because I still haven't played MGS2-4 but I know this

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So is 'murica.