
Etna is a miracle of the universe. Also, Disgaea thread.

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Just got D4 complete+ in the mail. How should I go about this game?

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I want to hold hands with female cleric (male)

It's a great game, best Disgaea since 2.

Looking for more advice related.

I want to sexually fuck the cleric.

Then be liberal with the item world and capturing units if leveling up generics is too hard. That's what I did and the game was easier on me.

I want to MARRY Etna!

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>grew out of moe
>still love trpgs
this is suffering

Just ignore the moe aspect, it's not the entire point of the game.

D3 + DD2 Complete/PC when?

Same, I used to enjoy characters looking like 7 year olds when I was 7 but now it just feels like watching kids movies as an adult its an ever widening schizm between me and the media I used to like.

I'm 28 and I just learned not to give a shit and enjoy things. No one's trying to police what you like and don't like.

s u c c

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>pic related
What do?

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Who is Vergil's Disgaea waifu?

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Provide her with enough genetic material as possible, and then some.

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It's not about judgement from others but more of a disconnect between how I feel now compared to how I felt when I was younger and a sense of longing for the feeling I had then. I'm 35 and I don't think it will get ware since it's felt about the same for the past 10-15 years.

Where should I start with this series? Should I play them in order or should I just jump to 4 or 5?

I would prefer to play on PC but I also have a switch.

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Fair enough, you do you.

play in order

for 1, you can emulate afternoon of darkness on psp, get the pc version or the switch

switch is definitive one as it replaces all the graphics and adds all the content and new qol

the downside is only if you want to see the original graphics from the ps2/psp
PC version just adds some extra characters from the DS version otherwise it's just the PSP version but looks jankier cuz it upscales tiny sprites so it looks muddy

for 2 follow the same, psp version is the best

the rest only exist for one system or so so you can't go wrong

Both work fine on RPCS3 buth witch and hundo still has fucked up post processing make me sad

What about Nero's?

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I don't know anything Nero so

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Etna, obviously, though she'll get on his nerves before jumping his dick.

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Then what about Dante's?

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The Steam versions of 1 and 2 don't have any cut content, right? It's hard to trust Steam when it comes to japanese games.

they have more content than psp but less than switch

fucking switch styling on us pcbros

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i mean the switch version was made like 2 years after the PC one so it's almost a completely different game for 1, they changed just about everything with newer stuff

All in on Desco. Recruit beastmasters and surround her with them.

Beastmasters starting Evility is Dark Tamer, increasing all stats of adjacent ally Monster units by 20%.
Descos starting Evility is Final Boss Setting, increasing her attack by 20% per adjacent ally unit.
Desco also has stupid good range early on with Final Boss Arises and True Godly Weapon.

Cutest and best Disgaea is very strong!

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Switch version is more of a remake.
PC is just a port of PSP with the DS extra content.

Rozalin, obviously.

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Etna is forcing you to marry her. How do you escape?

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You can start with any mainline numbered title you want. The stories are unconnected, though the post-games are cameo heavy so you'd get the most out of them if you do play in order. It's not a necessity though.

Some will recommend you play in order, but this is only because it can be hard to go back to previous games as the series adds new mechanics each time, and going straight from 5 to 1 feels a little odd with how barebones 1 is compared to later games in terms of mechanics.

If you definitely intend to play all of them, release order is ideal but not necessary. If you just want to try one, I recommend either 1 or 5. Both are available on PC and Switch, however note that the Switch version of 1 is an remake while the PC version is a port of the original. The content difference is not that notable beyond visual changes though.

4 is my personal favourite, as I like the cast, mechanics and the fact it's got the most content, but the maps are a little more puzzle heavy compared to other games in the series. Still great but 1 and 5 are a bit more easy of an entry point.

PSP version of 1 is the one I prefer but it has the counter bug and the broken foresight and lacks Pleinair compared to DS and PC

>the rest only exist for one system or so so you can't go wrong
3 is PS3, Vita
4 is PS3, Vita, PS4, Switch
5 is PS4, Switch, PC

Plenty of choices for everything but 3.

i mean they're all about the exact same, not much difference other than what to play it on which is not something you can wrong with

Funnily enough I've been playing through Disgaea 1 on PC. I'm right near the end now and it's a weird feeling, I never even got close to finishing it on PS2 when I was younger but here we are.

Focusing on levelling 5-6 characters instead of 10 definitely helped.