3 hours until Viking kino is back on the menu

3 hours until Viking kino is back on the menu.

Get hype, Yas Forums!

Attached: Assassins-Creed-2020-Ragnarok-Mjolnir-Leaks-confirming-Norse-Mythology-Rumors-seems-Fake-696x392.jpg (696x392, 52.11K)

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What happens in 3 hours?

Vikings is one of the worst possible settings for an AC game given that the best part of those games are the gorgously recreated historical cities and the vikings didn't really have those.

There's so much better shit they could have gone with, even limiting it to pre-17th century

and literally any of the following would be better, and this isn't even including post-16th century stuff

>Roman Republic/Empire
>Minoan/Mycean Bronze Age Greece
>European Middle Ages (enough shit fort like 2-3 games at least)
>Proper Ancient Egypt (as opposed to origin's poltemic egypt)
>Bronze Age or Iron Age Mesopotamia (Sumer, Babylon, Assyria, etc)
>Ancient Persia
>A newer game set in the Medieval Islamic world
>Ancient or Medieval India, (like with europe, enough shit here for like 3 games)
>Medieval West African Kingdoms (Mali, Songhai, etc)
>Medivial Southeast asian kingdoms (Khmer, Sukhothai etc)
>Ancient or Medivial China (like India, europe, again enough for like 3 games)
>Fuedal Japan
>Postclassical Mesoamerica (Aztec, Purepecha, etc)
>Classical Mesoamerica (Maya, Teotihuacan, etc)
>Late Horizon Andes (Inca Empire); an early intermediate or middle horizon with Moche city-states or the Wari and Tiwanku empires would also work, if not for the lack of historical sources

For fucks sake even the more complex Native Americans like the Mississippians and Pueblo had comparable towns and settlements to the Vikings in terms of size and architectural complexity, the former in particular even larger ones, see pic

Attached: Cahokia.png (1022x1552, 2.73M)

>hating the vikings
How to spot a cuck.

I don't hate the vikings, I just think they are particularly unsuited to the AC series in particular.

Then again so would have been Pirates and they made that work, so eh. But vikings are also really overused.

any stream links?

Vikings are a good setting for God of War type of thing, not for assassins, assassins need a large urbane environment to be credible. Assassins make sense in Byzantium or Persia, no in log villages.

...ho wait i just mentioned credible in regards to Assassins Creed, forget everything.

>The very concept of assassins comes from the Middle East
>Set assassin game in Viking villages
Ubisoft are retarded
And they should stop milking the Assassins Creed brand and just make IPs for these games

this is the ip, historical killing simulators. now fuck off.

Is this going to be an actual assassin game or a single player MMO like the last two?

This. And it's pretty well worn setting at this stage too. Assassin's Creed is at it's best when it's letting you lesser used historical settings. How many other games are set in the medieval Islamic world or Renaissance Italy? They should have done something like pic related instead, but I suppose vikings are a "safer" choice because normies don't know shit about ancient mesopotamia.

Attached: agnes-hvalstx-conceptart-practice-body-0002[1].jpg (1920x1080, 297.47K)

>And they should stop milking the Assassins Creed brand and just make IPs for these games
I always thought this too. They should just make a new IP for historical games without any of the assassin shit or the dumbass 2012 apocalypse backstory that did not age well in the slightest. They clearly want to do it too because the games are getting less and less about assassinating people with your hidden blade and more about RPG mechanics and character customisation.

there is nothing, OP is retard.
only Ubi Weiboo(china) will make an announcement.

If it would be anything AssCreed related(or anything interesting to us) it would be Ubisoft(france HQ) or Ubisoft Montreal(dev studio)


+1 for Persia. Bring it all full circle

>ubisoft openworld:the another one
boi i'm sure hyped ...

>fighting against christians and marauding churches and cities in england and france
>founding dublin as a slave trading city
>longboat kino
>going to constantinople (where they could learn of the assassins) and russia as part of the varangian guard
>crazy religious rituals and what not
>exploring the fjords and fightin bears
>taking mushrooms and going on berserker rampages
>blood eagles
anyone who doesn't want this is a cunt

Attached: 53547239_2b6c1f6d42_z-640x480.jpg (640x480, 123K)

This, honestly, sadly, but also not.

One problem with ACIII among the cornucopia of problems was that the series to that point had been built as a roftop parkour sim and making it instead exist in small settlements or more sparsely built cities or cities with real streetways ruined that. In New York and whatnot it was always faster to just run at street level than over the buildings. Compare this to the masterwork of Jerusalem or Florence or Constantinople. A game set in the Viking age in Northern Europe would be fucked, there would be no large cities to work with unless you're straying all the way to London of that time.

However, on the other hand, the best games in the series are Black Flag and Rogue, which had ACIII tier cities at best but compensated with excellent naval aspect instead and good forts. Sailling the North Atlantic in Rogue with your viking gar raiding places was kino. If they built the game from that perspective it will be perfection.

Attached: roguebear.jpg (1280x720, 156.74K)

Most of these things don't fit into AC gameplay. Vikings are a great setting for an RPG but a horrible setting for an AC game.

*laughs in odyssey*

Wasn't there supposed to be an AC game taking place in japan like 4 games ago?

Never ever. Ubisoft hates weabbs.

How the previous ones were selling? They won't make Japan until sales drops

I would really like a medieval India game. There's so much shit you can do, you can even include mythical creatures and locations like they had in Odyssey.

They probably think it wouldn't sell though. They might be right.

So the old leaks on Yas Forums were true

it's going to be this

Attached: Hagia-sofia-viking (1).jpg (1600x1200, 665.91K)

>getting excited for woke, feminist revisionist sjw propaganda

Odyssey at least had some actual settlements.

Vikings is a retarded setting. Should have gone with 1700's Japan.

Odyssey was another retarded setting for AC

It was like a decade ago now, but they said they didn't wanna do japan because it'd be "too obvious"

It's AC, it'll sell well no matter what, execs are just stupid.

If SJW's have one point about anything it's that we really do need more games set/influenced by more cultures and that getting them and making people more used to it will allow it to happen more... but they themselves as well as the execs pandring to SJW's typically don't actually bother, because their whining is just lip service and they want to ujust put an extra gay person, woman, or black person into any existing game and call it a day and not spend the time or effort or risk on a game ACTUALLY focused around those things.

We can hope, though: I would give up toes, maybe even a foot, for a full COnquest of Mexico/Aztec asscreed with a 1:1 recreation of tenochtitlan

Attached: Tenochtitlan 3x3 3.jpg (3080x2467, 3.06M)

>ancient greece
>bad setting

u wot

Varagian guard were body guard/heavy infantry, and were drunk and useless most of the time.

they need to focus on the parkour and run away from cops things

heck they could make watchdog and called it modern day AC and it would work
as long as they didnt go too retard with the characters/plots with feminism shits

Vikings invaded all the good cities. They are going to be in the game

It was pretty fun though actually.

for AC...learn to read complete sentences

The name is actually AC: Valhalla. It's going to be cross-gen, but AC: Odyssey was already pushing the limits of what current consoles are capable of. (It runs like garbage on base consoles.) So I'm honestly expecting last-gen versions akin to Shadow of Mordor.

Why for AC, though?

>Varangian guard
They hard carried the lazy Greeks

one way they could do it is
you play as vilking and you go sailing around sacking different major cities from different cultures

or make you play as attila or something

its getting painfully obvious that they want to make open world action adventure games with a historical setting but need the Asscreed name to sell.
Last one didnt even have the order for christs sake.

Attached: 85741743.jpg (320x220, 10.56K)

already had a thread for it you fucking faggot
read the catalog

>but need the Asscreed name to sell.
they dont. Ubisoft is the only company that regularly makes new IPs. Every other company exclusively releases sequel or something with already existing IPs.

Why does everyone think this is gonna have a historical Viking setting? Couldn't they just set it in Asgard or whatever? Norse mythology?

i think its gonna be Rome for PS4/Xbone or crossgen because they can reuse a shitton of assets from Origins and Odyssey for that.

Then the next one will be something completely new.