New Ubisoft game being announced in 3 hours

Guesses what it will be? The new AC game?

Attached: KwGHLLi.png (598x466, 94.99K)

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Probably a China-only Splinter Cell MMO

>AAA games can't feature skeletons any more because muh chinese market
I legitimately fucking despire chinks.

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Does anyone even actually care?

its just gonna be another shitty ass creed

>Towers and Open World Collectathon 9: Repetitive Copypasta Edition

more changes to siege

>Ubisoft China
It's gonna be some shitty mobile gacha, Ubisoft has been doing those a lot for Chinese market, who cares

thats the power of the free market son
don't like it? just move to Venezuela you freedom hating commie

People still care about Ubisoft games?

omg cant wait !!!!


Finally, rayman arena 2

>still living in the past where main studios were in Canada in US
Wake up sheeple

Tom Clancy game where you uncover that the coronavirus leaked from the USA

T. Bugman

its just their twitter you dumbasses

maybe ubisoft china is taking over the division 2, they can't fuck it up worse than massive already have

Hello, based department?

t. pinko hilldog

It's the new AssCreed. PS4/Xbox One/PC release this year. Switch/Stadia ports next year.

retarded racist faggot

Stupid Nigger loving queer

Another shitty game aimed at shittest market posible. God i hate china

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Ubisoft Shanghai has never made a good game.

MediEvil starred a skeleton retard, not to many other games like Zelda feature skeleton enemies.

You need to go back, faggot.

It's a collab with Girls Frontline

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shut up chong


>anyone who doesn't parrot the same retarded shit for no reason is a chink
Fucking mutt NPCs.

>ubisoft china

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