Do you think they will ever go back to this design of Lara? I miss her

Do you think they will ever go back to this design of Lara? I miss her.

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Probably not.

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>tells outright lies about the original staffers being all men
>sources are all far left feminist propaganda

These people are actually influencing the industry no wonder video games are mostly garbage now

You think movie/television is any better? Comics certainly are not.

Nah, Honestly I don’t want to see *this* Lara crying like a little bitch all the time.

The ethical department would never allow this. It's sad, they turned her from a woman who could do anything into a helpless woman who can't do anything. Why? Because "muh victim complex, look at how oppressed and fragile women are!"

>the character has to look like me for me to be able to relate to her
any therapist or psycho analyst would diagnose severe narcissistic personality disorder

I wish to god she would come back in her original form. When you really think about it. Was the orginal Lara croft all that bad? I'd buy the game. I loved classic tomb raider as a kid growing up and kinda fell off when i got into college.

Now adays we are stuck with the plain jane stunning, brave, sociopathic brat running around in a Uncharted knock off.

But hey.. this is what taking beautifully strong women out of gaming has lead us to... Enjoy your fucking stay.

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Anniversary/legends lara was good but even she was toned down.

> Have you played the new ones?

> accept no substitutes you clucks.

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Coomer here.
I fucking hate anime designs and miss fapping to superior western fanservice. It's all gone.

>you see, she is a strong women, but not what I think a strong women should look like, so it's racist and sexist
>also, men, amirite?

>"Ok then we will make her white so she appeals to our target demographic"

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Society needs to stop taking moral advice from the morally bankrupt.

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What is wrong with this slut?

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I jerked off too many times to this game

Every time I see this, it makes me angry...

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this is the Doppelganger she is like Lara Croft with the flaws removed

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people irl don't talk like this

sex appeal and games that are free of sjw shit will not return until there is a massive public push back against liberals

the whole entertainment industry is fucked.

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I dont think Ive ever made a character look like me in a video game. Why would I wanna make some ugly fuckin dude when I can make a delicious brown tomboy

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>Tank top that rides up her waist

True taste

where is chocolate lara?

>90s TR trades are out of print and selling for hundreds of dollars on ebay

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nu-Lara is only good for the sheer amount of SFM porn there is of her. Where she's always being raped.