I'm sorry, you really actually were quite good.
I'm sorry you were an average game with some bright spots.
I'm sorry you had to play a bad game
>I'm sorry you were a below average game with some bright spots
Fixed that for you
We are all agreed, FFVIIR is easily game of the year right?
Druckmann, Kojima, and Nomura need to start their own game studio together. I think it would be the perfect mix of cancer and autism
At this point yeah. Unless ghost of sushi pulls any surprises and turns out to be a good game instead of just a decent movie.
ok this is for real how square should have done it
>modern square knows how to let a party walk around outdoors, they did it in XV
>take out sephiroth, take out ghosts. ending is now a straight walk to kalm while the credits roll
>try to leave the path or go backwards, get that warning bullshit. there will be battles on the way
>get to kalm around dusk, check in to inn
>get the whole scene in the back of the truck
>get the dragon fight. phase 1 is sephiroth watching. phase 2 is sephiroth steps in, is ai controlled, and the ai uses its ATB bar to do a finishing move on the dragon
so your post credits scene becomes the dragon fight. end part 1. it would have been perfect. for fucks sake, square.
I looked at that game yesterday, I don't see what it really brings to the table aside from CINEMATIC CAMERA.
Sekiro came out last year, it looks way better to play vs STORY mode.
Sorry that I ever had any hopes for you.
That sounds actually awful lad, not trying to be mean.
It makes far more sense for Kalm to act as the opening scene, tutorial of the new game. You just start the game in the flashback, Dragon is tutorial, get introduced to Sephiroth but in memories.
Iceborne is GOTY by miles if the PC version can count for it.
Otherwise no Nioh 2 is the current winner followed by Resident Evil 3.
It isnt a game, its paddingtrain with quicktime events and sexual minority education section
a goofy game with a serious remake
it's shit an dit was never gonna work
FF7R didn't bring anything new either except stupid ass tweeeests. Nothing this year did.
hello dunkey wunkey toddler.
I'm sorry FF7 fans your game was ruined by an insufferable, retarded manchild.
Here's hoping he dies of the virus so you wont have to suffer anymore terrible garbage from nomura.
I'm sorry I paid full price for you.
I can totally believe that squareenix would sell 1/5th of a 20 year old game as a 60 dollars experience and even had the guts to call it a remake when it's really just a botchered sequel.
But I can't believe si many people fell for it.
It seems normies are even more stupid than what I initially thought.
Did you shit yourself, user?
by default thanks to corona
Nioh 2 is unironically better than this game in ever perceivable way, yet has no shot at all.
no, they shouldve done kalm and junon and finish the game. with the jenova fight in the boat.
I'm sorry I doubted you. I'm against Rufus now and, yeah the game's been a drag up until this point but now it's really picking up steam, can't wait to leave Midgar and enter the good part of the game.
Good post
>not excited for new fresh adventures of your favorite eco-terrorists from 90s
What happened? Did Ultimania retcon the ghosts?
You and Dunkey didn’t get the original FF7
I love this game the music is so good I dont mind walking around to it. Getting my ass kicked by the last vr challenge thank god I dont want this game to be over
I'm sorry this shit was ever made
they're not even eco terrorists anymore. nomura made sure they never actually activated the bombs, never pressed the buttons and it was shinra who did it all now.
Shut your mouth and get in
>they call themselves eco-terrorists in the remake
>they are not terrorists anymore
I see you are smart chump.
Yeah, had the best time of my life hanging out with my new favourite JRPG party. Never played the original, but now I really want to erase AC and Cloud's cringy appearances in KH from my memory.
you're not an eco terrorist unless you actually actually commit eco terrorism.
just like you're not a woman just because you call yourself that you tranny faggot.
>Those reactors ain't gonna blow themselves.
Actually now they do.
I'm sorry I thought it was going to be good.
Cope harder, tranny.
I'm sorry, I was wrong.