Turned the game off right here

Turned the game off right here

Attached: 1567320170176.jpg (427x431, 56.27K)

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whatever you virgin

>lose virginity
>not affected by this statement
It's that easy.

Turned on right here

>walking away from a VN
absolutely based. watch the anime instead for free.

She will taking my virginity, whether she likes it or not

But user, she's a virgin as well

Only actual virgins are sensitive to that. For everyone else it's just a rant no different than calling someone a fag on Yas Forums.

Kurisu is a virgin too though. Mayushii is probably used goods

Correct me if i'm wrong but don't you later shame her for being a virgin in public in the middle of a street or something?

>have been called virgin, schizo, incel, weeb, etc on 4ch so often the words slide off me like water

Attached: akarin.png (256x256, 113.95K)

Mayushii is too dumb to lose her viriginity

i want to run my hands through christina's hair

You cutie

>Only actual virgins are sensitive to that.
Nonsense, I'm proud to be virgin

Don't like getting reminded of your virginity, huh?

Women aren't shamed for that, only men.

They are

Soldiers are judged by the castles they take, Castles are judged by the attacks they repel

But call him a pedo and he recoils "I have been found out"

Maybe in a few places but nowhere near as frequently and harshly as men.

By jealous women

Females are subhumans that can't reason or use proper logic, their sole purpose and value is reproduction. They are parasites of the worst kind, they make Jews look like saints. I am glad that we are heading towards the destruction of women. In the future we will have artificial wombs and full scale genetic engineering and modification, we will select male children with desired genetics to become citizens with rights and duties, only the male half of our spcies can be deemed human. We will keep women as sex toys, from the day they are born they will be trained and "educated" like dogs, they will exist to please men, they have no rights, they have no life, they will be happy as fuck toys and sexual slaves.

The future for women is beautiful and they are getting what they deserve.

Cool story bro.

Cringe AF senpai

Attached: 1474022362654.png (1280x720, 592.71K)


holy sh*t

Raped her right then and there

There used to be a rule that went a little something like this: before you post LURK MOAR

What this user said.
okay r*ddit

Doesn't take away from the point that they are.


The future is a feminst degenerate society, that will be overtaken by muslim africans. The warlords will have harems of 100 women, and incels won't have shit

"Muh robot womb" incels are just cowards who'd run away than fight for their future