Did you know I'm gay
Did you know I'm gay
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>gets PTSD from doing let's plays
dingdong and julian were perfect for chris, they could be his straightman whilst still being just as crazy.
a lot of others, expecially lyle, sound like there forcing themselves to be 'wacky'
Ha. Brilliant.
>gets death threats for saying video game bad
>Julian: don’t like let's players cause my little brother watched one and started saying n*gger
>Chris: n*gger f*ggot f*ggot f*ggot k*ke c*nt n*gger f*ggot
>Julian: *choking on his own fat rolls wheezing to death in laughter*
Gee I wonder who made this thread
>""""death threats""""
>noobpwner2002: lol kys fag
Yes its true I am still mad.
Definitely true.
no but your parents do. your father is crying himself to sleep at night.
he's based
julian was fucking awful, he was just a laugh track, was never funny and actively tried to stop dingdong and chris from being funny
I'm not him. I just wanted to talk about OneyPlays but the only way to make a thread that sticks on Yas Forums is to start with bait.
Who are these people?
Yes OP we know.
>laughs in gay diaperfur
Yes, you watch let's players
Reminder that this mentally ill fat ass is the one who keeps spamming these threads.
For me? Zach
>censors bad words now
>actively tried to stop dingdong and chris from being funny
Shut up idiot no he didn't
That's really more (((YouTube)))'s fault than theirs but it certainly is annoying
Youtube are Jews
Kiketube is run by incompetent buffoons
i know but its still fucking annoying
found julian
fuck you KH and KH2 were some of the best lets plays on the channel with him playing and julian might not make the punchline but he always made the weird suggections that DD and chris would run with.
>that Crash 2 playthrough was one of the best to this day
>Visage comes very close
>also this soundcloud.com
I think Lyle later on developed better chemistry with Chris and pals.
Julian would've agreed that he ruins jokes, the man had the opposite of self-esteem
Tomar and Zach have become close contenders with DD and Julian for best co hosts.
Lyle is shit
the recent Worms videos are a lot of fun and zacks hilarious
dd and julian are self esteem black holes
When Tomar is being a straight man to Zach and Chris he's great but when he's saying anything else he's a chore to listen to
Lyle sucks though yeah
>still no cory/zach video
you just now it would be amazing
>chris, cory and zach
i've been waiting so long for this
They were both in like 2-3 of the AI dungeon videos together and it was just as autistic as you'd hope.
I miss Sleepycast so much
Slightly artistic when
oneyplays is way better post-dingdong. Julian was ok, though. Lyle isn't funny, but he's getting better every episode.