Git Gud at it and the fun is ENDLESS
at this point i'm semi-pro. I can win ANY solo if i want to
Nothing beats the rush of the last few minutes in a solo match where everyone is sweaty and panicking
Git Gud at it and the fun is ENDLESS
at this point i'm semi-pro. I can win ANY solo if i want to
Nothing beats the rush of the last few minutes in a solo match where everyone is sweaty and panicking
sorry but i enjoy shooting games not building games
I barely build and im a top player. often building saved my ass
what separates noobs from top players is that top players approach this game like chess and with tactics. then u start winnin solos
>I barely build and im a top player
ok bud
No, top players just spam their build scripts and call victory. Combat is an afterthought in Fortnite.
building meta ruined this game
you meet sweat builders in championships not solos. BUT anyway u can win against sweat builders by making them come to you NOT vice versa
stay in a room/building on the map and make them come to you. dont enter their self made building
then show me your tactics in chess not in a building game
also battle royal games are boring, you spend more time looting and running than actual gun fights
Fortnite BAD
Minecraft however, EPIC
>kids gets shot at
>builds trump tower in 4 seconds
>still can’t aim from up there
Game is dogshit and building is for faggot children
>Buildlet lying about being a top player
Any decent fortnite player will tell you that aim and positioning are way more important than building, but flat out saying building isn't necessary or a core component is fucking retarded.
>stay in a room/building on the map and make them come to you
Unless you're super fucking lucky on your circles, this is barely possible. The game mode literally forces you to constantly move or you get fucked by the storm.
This game is cringe but is popular because other BRs are slugfests where you get nailed by random squads. Fortnite building allows you to keep yourself alive even when you get ganked which zoomers find friendly like a Minecraft campaign.
*destroys your build*
thanks for reminding me to filter you faggot
dont filter me jungle animal
The game takes skill, and is definitely a different direction than most BRs, let alone twitch shooters that attracted zoomers of yester-year.
That being said, I don't care for it and I never wasted more than 5-6 hours playing Fortnite's Battle Royal since building is a skill that doesn't transfer over to anything else besides playing Fortnite. Not for me.
>which zoomers find friendly like a Minecraft campaign
Or, you know, like Quake.
Operation Knockout is kino
What part of Fortnite is like Quake?
I enjoyed the 50v50 mode back in 2018 and that was the last time I played it.
>time to pl-
>oh no you lost. time to wait 10 mins again
i hate this game
u r new...stay on team rumble for now where there is respawn....solo is for top players
No, that would be Q3
i get that they are obviously going to just stick with the BR since it prints money, but i would love 8v8 or 16v16 TDM, CTF, DOM modes with the building in mind on smaller scale maps
i bet you anything epic could INSTANTLY revitalize the arena shooter genre if they made a fortnite spinoff where they crank up the speed and make the game literally unreal tournament, but skin it like fortnite so that the recognizable name sells it to the world
no one wants an arena boomer adhd shooter. go bunnyhopping at the speed of light boomer; oh wow such fun lol
or how about they make a spin off that focuses more on the building aspect. you could do some kind of PvE mode and have players build mazes and traps for some kind of onslaught.
oh shit yeah.. god idea! and have maybe liiike... yes! zombies attack you! and you have to build up to defend something...
gonna keep working on this..brb
That sounds neat, all it would take is to keep the outfits and shit
fortnite is already a boomer adhd shooter, the only reason for the kid infestation is that it's free
No it's not. Gliders and skins can make you have the advantage if the other player has a skin with bigger hitbox. Same goes for the gliders. It is not perfect. Its unbalanced.
Skins are not only cosmetics and shows
wow you call that unbalanced PvP?
son you have no idea about other PvP games and what unbalanced/meta means
did they ever fix the double shotgun fag shit? lst time i played it you didnt need to pump the shotty, you just swapped to a second one and negate the downtime on the weapon
apex is the best br and it's not even close
this. me, this guy and the other 3 people still playing it agree
>get llamacorn because I really love cool piñata things
>it's apparently THE META in competitive areas now
I kind of hope using Brutus/Polar Bowler/bright purple Signature Sniper cancel that out
You need to be over 18 to post on 4channel.
>trip using some low-end card
>play entry-level f2play garbage
Bet you stream too you worthless piece of shit
>pvp perfection
>core gameplay is RNG to hell and back
>no respawns
yeh nah. fuck off tripfag.
Should have filtered this nigger awhile ago.