That one friend who fell into gacha hell

>that one friend who fell into gacha hell
>spends thousands of dollars on JPEGS
>literally only talks about gacha games and how he wants to coom to the girls in the game
>only gets excited for new events in gacha game
>whole life revolves around gacha games

Gacha games are a sin

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Anime is a sin and is poison for your brain. Check this 5.


Attached: wow.jpg (400x571, 59.1K)


Can I borrow that 5?

check this 8

Yeah that 5 is cool, but check this 2


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sick 5 but these 0s are obviously better

>falls into that

>just 8 away from trips

But the gameplay is repetitive and frankly boring. I played since near launch and I play purely for the story and events which I think are fun. Farming hard is pointless

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singular, but impressive nonetheless

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>I play purely for the story
The story is the dumbest part though.

Such a great son

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What's the most coomer gacha game? Not like bullshit swimsuit and almost a nipple, that's too lame

Its the most diverse which is to its boon
Lolis, Mature women, Thic, Pettanko etc. Its got all of em

GBF has good taste in backless and pits though

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Holy shit anime BTFO

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if this is a 5, you're wrong and gay

Isn't there some Japanese live2d gacha?

I have wasted my life

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Feel good when I roll.
Feel good when I coom.

Simple as.

get fucked
you got a 5 too! based!!


Yeah the Madoka one and Destiny Child
They are not that popular though and the story for the Madoka mobage is straight up bad with bad designs made with little thought.

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Rollin and coomin to an early grave.

Fucking based. My 5 dictates that most weebtards are either trannies or sóybóys.

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Gacha is trash and I play everyday, I'm the trash man.


>Igor Goldman

Its worth familiarizing yourself with this series just for the porn

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Who the fuck lied to him

>that angle
confirmed fatass
only whales use this to hide their third chin

I prefer her without a dick, thank you
good art though