Name your top 5 vidya with no order
Dead Rising 1
Sins of a Solar Empire
Resident Evil 4
Ace Combat Zero
Left 4 Dead 1
Name your top 5 vidya with no order
Dylan, Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan
Fable: The Lost Chapters
Dark Souls
Resident Evil 4
Wind Waker HD
Check my 5 instead
No, you check my 5
Kingdom Hearts 2 FM
Rocket Knight Adventures
Chrono Trigger
Hollow Knight
Jackie Cha
this guy really likes zombies
Civilization V
hotline miami
Persona 3
Fallout NW
>Resident Evil 4
i played it today for the first time ever, the controls are laughably dog shit. triangle for the map? cant even reload or switch weapons without opening the menu. and what a god awful menu it is with those little gridsquares.
seethe harder
ill buy the remake harder instead
I hope you enjoy it
>Pokemon SS/HG
>Mario party 2
>Final fantasy tactics advance
>Twisted metal 4 (dont care if its bad)
>hydro thunder
Mostly just games I played with my brother growing up
off the top of my head,
F-Zero GX
Final Fantasy Tactics
Super Metroid
Mega Man 3
R-Type Delta
Og or Nu Prey?
I remember being really frustrated by FFTA because of all the changes made between it and FFT, but replaying it recently, it certainly has grown on me a ton. Especially the OST. Also HGSS are the best Pokémons and you can't tell me otherwise.
The ones I'm making.
Super Metroid
The Messenger
The Witness
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag
Ratchet & Clank 3: Up Your Arsenal
Season 2 of Fortnite
Persona 4 Golden
Witcher 3
Witcher 2
Silent Hill 3
Dragon's Dogma
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Persona 3 Portable
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind
post proof that you aren't a nodev
wonderful 101
civ 5 with the brave new world expansion pack
danganronpa 2
a link to the past
Fallout: New Vegas
Super Mario Sunshine
GTA San Andreas
Streets of Rage 2
Wind Waker
Final Fantasy 10
Ape Escape
Hollow Knight
Persona 4
Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix
Chrono Trigger
Secret of Mana
Fire Emblem 7
Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker (Collectors edition for gcn if game collections count)
Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life
Final Fantasy 1, PSP remake (im serious)
Resident Evil HD
Maggot Baits
Bible Black
The Last of Us
Half Life 2
Ocarina of Time
Majora's Mask
Devil May Cry 3
Hitman 2
Civilization 2
Dues Ex
The Sims 3
It's really hard to compare newer games to older ones and try to decide which I liked more. Also, picking 1 game out of a franchise feels wrong. Saints Row, GTA, Elder Scrolls, Fallout, etc, have eaten half my life.
>Sins of a Solar Empire
>Left 4 Dead 1
Wow based