>work at Naughty Dog to release "The Last of Us" under the strict guidelines of Bruce Straley
>Bruce leaves the company
>finally able to exercise true creative freedom
>realise that I made a game with two straight white protagonists
>feel sick to my stomach, vomit all over the naughty dog office carpet
>immediately make and release DLC revealing Ellie is heroically gay
>sleep that night feeling as though I have restored balance to the universe
>wake up in a cold sweat, remember that Joel is a straight, white, cis gendered male
>feel fucking nauseous, vomit all over myself and my bedroom
>will have to make an entirely new game to set things right
>replace Bruce with a feminist woman I found on craigslist to make sure the game is diverse enough
>have to write a game where I change Joel to anything other than a straight white male
>pitch the idea that Joel was black the entire time, and was just doing whiteface
>get denied
>accept that I can't change Joel’s character in a way that makes him justifiable as a protagonist
>decide to just make him a wife beater and kill him off
>instantly spring a rock-hard erection while thinking about it
>mo-cap the scene where Joel’s evil straight white male head is impaled by a golf club
>so diverse I’m nursing a hard-on the entire time
>have to call cut and take breaks to clean myself up because I keep cumming in my pants
>devote rest of the game to a trans woman killing as many white Christian men as the ps4's tech can handle
>jerk off furiously at my desk every day
>staff who object are fired and replaced with staff more diverse
>go outside and climb up the fire escape onto the roof
>take out my satellite phone
>call Glorious Overlords to report my progress
>Hear the harmonious voices of the descendants of Abraham
>"youu havvee donne weel, neeeeill"
>enter a state of uncontrollable religious ecstasy
>jump gracefully off the roof and into the streets
>find some 10 year old boy riding his bike
>chop his dick off
Work at Naughty Dog to release "The Last of Us" under the strict guidelines of Bruce Straley
There's enough threads about this shit.
That's a better story than TLoU2, I swear some company should hire Yas Forums shitposters as writers
Wrong. Not enough.
>That's a better story than TLoU2, I swear some company should hire Yas Forums shitposters as writers
This is all that could be on v and it still wouldnt be enough
You can really tell that there's a point where he wants strong independant female characters beating people up, but he ran out of non-female characters to kill, so eventually all that's left is butch lesbians slamming pregnant lesbians into the ground.
That one asian with the bow is like Druckmann's conscience, in a way. Telling his id to not kill the pregnant girl, only seconds after firing an arrow into her lung himself.
Let's make it short:
>Neil is a Jew
>Jews are cut
>circumcision affects the brain
Hence, The Last of Us Part II
The Last of Foreskins
We need more threads to talk shit about this hack.
When did gaming become this politized??? will this nonsense ever end? i miss the days when videogames used to be the main focus in gaming forums and imageboards...
The last of Goys
Just don't fucking buy it jesus
TLOU1 wasn't even that good either
The games themselves are politicized, and it will end when it either collapses or you get sick of it.
This, but unironically.
He won't, but you get to hear about every day from now until release. Hope that doesn't upset you to much, dumb faggot.
>There's enough threads about this shit.
Seems about right
it'll stop when studios realise that they shouldn't hire SJWs
it means we don't get a good part 2
Why did Bruce Straley leave? Was he pushed out or something?
>circumcision affects the brain
Why so many americans are cut then
it explains a lot about Americans
What am I watching? Why is ''''''he''''' crying?
He was watching a Star Wars trailer
Why did Bruce leave tho?
You need a line about him rubbing his hands together imagining all the SJW sheckels he’ll milk.
I'm really getting tired of seeing this greasy Jew in the catalog
This dude constantly looks oily and/or wet. Disgusting.
doctors making bank off an easy operation and an ignorant population. most every where else medical professionals agree that circumcision is unnecessary
>Nu-Naughty dog