Amy Hennig confirmed that Nadine Ross was not in her version of Uncharted 4

>Amy Hennig confirmed that Nadine Ross was not in her version of Uncharted 4
>neither was the ambiguous relationship between her and Chloe Frazer
>her departure happened shortly after the release of The Last of Us: Left Behind which featured the lesbian romance between two underage teen girls
>Hennig may not have entirely agreed with the whole ‘gender politics’ narrative, that was the reason she was fired.

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You got a source on that, my guy?

Fuck off phoneposter

Goddamn, Ellie looks like that?

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Sorry, went to my bathroom to take a shit

What were some ideas that you had for Uncharted 4 that didn't make it through?

Well, look, this whole spine of the thing in terms of what is the core historical mystery and the idea of this Henry Avery and this lost treasure, because we would try to start from what is that historical hook that we can then put a "what if" to. And there was lots of rumors around. I mean, there's a lot of romanticized rumors around that age of piracy, about where this money could have disappeared to and this idea of a pirate utopia which of course was probably just a fabrication or something that was certainly an exaggeration over some sandbar off of Madagascar or something. But we just thought well why not crank that to 11, right?

And just like in Uncharted 1, it was meant to be a little bit of a return to form. This idea that a lot of the story would be taking place on this undiscovered or forgotten pirate utopia island and that the detective story that we could weave through that. So all the beats, if you look at the chapter beats—with the exception of we didn't have the flashbacks to his childhood and then we didn't have the Nadine character—but just looking at the break by break that sorted the chapters, like where they go, what was happening, that was all while I was there.

Sounds like her game would've had a lot better pacing than the bloated Uncharted 4 we ended up with. Straley kept the game fun at least, but even he's gone now

sje has too look like a man though

she's a racist white woman

Holy shit

Oh damn
She based as fug

Nadine was cool

How is some cunt who inherited a PMC cool?

Look at that photo. If you didn't see the face, you'd think that you see a man with gyno.

Why? She's a nothing character placed in a story to show what a tuffff cookie she is, who beats up the protagonist during, and I can't stress this enough, UNWINNABLE QTE'S and then when all is said and done, rides off into the sunset.
How the fuck do you find that cool

She's fucking right

The sad thing is that you can only be one kind of ideologue as long as you make the case that you are fighting for some "oppressed minority". As long as that is made, you can do whatever you want in the eyes of the media, full of the same ideologues.

fucking schizo morons on this board

This. YA novels should be burned for pushing this kind of filth for year. Sexuality should never be mentioned in any media cause it's robbing us of shit.

I hope I'm at least half this based when I'm old

sounds like Wesker to me 2bh. Hes pretty cool too.

"schizo" is becoming such a tranny dogwhistle
you idiots really suck at disguising yourselves


glad you are finally picking up that everyone hates you mental fucks.


>tranny calling someone else mental

Umm based?


He's funny and entertaining, I'll give you that, but if you think he's cool I can only assume you're the director of those god awful live action Resi movies.

everything they ever say is projection

>call you a stupid tranny
>"glad you understand"

She's fucking right, I've seen people sincerely arguing that if two men are close with each other at all they're secret gays

Well, she's right. The increasing focus on sexuality in media is making people see everything in a sexual light. There are other dynamics to human relationships aside from whom you want to fuck, whom you are competing with romantically and whom is or isn't getting laid. Friendship and deep human bonds of loyalty have been constants in stories for centuries, but it's slowly going away.

I'm a different person guy

>lesbian romance between two underage teen girls

Very weird a board that regularly creams themselves over yurishit felt the need to specify this.

No you aren't

How is it cringe? Yas Forums is an incels board so it makes sense why they don't want underage kids dating. They want them to experiences their childhood.

Amy has publicly been in support of LGBT shit before and after her departure, quit trying to paint her as some epic conservative badass just because she was better than Cuckmann.

>doesnt see the irony in constantly saying tranny like it means anything on an anonymous board
brain dead fucks

Correct. All fujos should be killed too while we're at it.

It's not going away, it's being corrupted. Hell I'm a fag and even I can see that. I find the insistence that men can't have strong bonds with each other without it being sexual to be damaging to men in general and if anything it's going to make young men worried about having that kind of bond without being perceived as gay.

>say "tranny"
>five replies sperging out about Yas Forums
it's hard to call them anonymous when they always take the same bait, retard
it's the same shit I'd do to shit on tripfags

Maybe if you people quit being constantly so triggered over it we wouldn't think we were swarmed with trannies, we are

Media always had an extreme focus on sexuality. The Great Gatsby was entirely about how badly one guy wanted to have his lost love.

isnt 99% of western countries support LGBT which is fucked up, this shitshow began because of Obama legalize it

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