The only thing he is good at is physical attacks

>the only thing he is good at is physical attacks
>is the FOURTH-best at physical attacks, in a game where you pick THREE party members
>is the worst at magic and his magic techs only go up to Water 2, so for that element, Magus > Marle > Frog
>Heal, his multi-target healing tech, is only 2/3 as strong as Heal Beam, so he has no healing niche
>Robo is the best at physical damage in the game, has stronger multi-target healing, and has vastly stronger magic attacks in TWO different elements, so Frog "doing a lot of things" still lands him in the FULLY OUTCLASSED column
>Frog's final attack is a profoundly ugly desperation move all about being a frog, not his swordsmanship or anything about his strengths as a person
>Frog speaks with his back to you as often as possible
>is one of the 4 (out of 7) party members who give you a false name
>the only party member (including the brooding ex-villain goth man) who you have to coax through an angsty phase to continue


Attached: Frog.png (340x391, 160K)

Other urls found in this thread:

All valid complaints, but I've always hated him simply because fuck frogs

>Robo is the best at physical damage in the game
Ayla and her 9,999 strikes say otherwise.

>at level 96
>on a critical only
You realize Crisis Arm Robo will be hitting far higher average damage with consistent 6k-damage Uzzi Punches even at that absurd level, and always at every level before then, right?

Why should I care about all this shit? The game is easy enough.
Thr chad choice was always crono, frog and robo.

he's a frog with a sword what else could you want?

The chad choice is Chrono, Marle, Lucca. Always main male protagonist with a harrem of waifus. Also in this case you get Lightning, Ice, and Fire

Yeah buddy, rollin with the bois

>crits out the ass that scales
>faster than a fucking cheetah
>all noble and shit
>cool dialogue
>felt the most complete as a character with a nice backstory
>only character who truly was a hero
>gets the first triple tech in game that fucks shit up
>makes shit personal with Magus
Chrono Cyrus when? I want a prequel game akin to Golden Sun 2 following Cyrus, Glenn and whoever else to defeat Magus.

Why the fuck would anyone try to min/max a piss easy jrpg? I play rpgs SPECIFICALLY to destress from hard games because of how mindlessly easy they are. You can beat the entire game 0 deaths without ever grinding or putting any thought whatsoever into your team comp. I genuinely cannot imagine anyone finding chrono trigger challenging at all, let alone to the point where youd have to make a team comp specifically to make it easier for yourself. Do you have a learning ability or something OP?

He cut a mountain in half
That's cool as fuck

I hope whoever programmed the Crisis Arm lost their fucking job
>oh your last digit of your HP ends in 9? it's crisis time, deal 4.5x normal damage
Sadly Speed doesn't matter because it caps so quickly from tabs, everyone in your main party will reach cap. Frog's untabbed speed is 10 which is middle of the pack with 3 faster than him and 3 slower.

I'd love an expanded remake of CT that let you pick up Cyrus and do that quest, honestly.

Yeah, I love Frog too. Not as much as to make a thread about him maybe, but still.
You forgot to mention that he has the best theme song as well.

this but swap robo with magus

>Always main male protagonist with a harrem of waifus
If you were a chad, you wouldn't need self insert as a jrpg character to live your fantasies. Check mate.
It's obviously Chrono, Marle and Frog.


Attached: frogger.png (743x1000, 1.06M)

>all noble and shit
>cool dialogue
>felt the most complete as a character with a nice backstory
>only character who truly was a hero
couldnt have said it better myself


Imagine minmaxing Chronotrigger, just play aesthetic

>not Crono, Robo and Magus
>strongest magic nukes + good physical
>top physical + healing and backup magic
>top element coverage + second best magic nukes with massive natural magic stat
Here's where you whine B-B-BUT MUH T-T-TRIPLE TECHS because you haven't yet realized that Luminaire, Dark Matter and Uzzi Punch/Shock are better together than any triple tech bar none.

All three have great themes, cool as fuck sprites, and Robo and Magus have good character. The chaddest. Frogs and bitches need not apply.

Fuck off Lucca, Chrono won't ever fuck you

My nigger

>playing a piss easy game, decide to make bad choices on purpose, now the fights take minutes longer for no reason and become repetitive
Good job I guess

>not ayla and robo for the physical unga bunga team from past and future

Attached: 054_-_Ugh_1208.jpg (512x384, 37.24K)

>assemble the 3 biggest physical powerhouses in the game
>their triple tech is Twister, based on Cyclone, Laser Spin and Tailspin
God I remember now

Attached: 1443202153625.jpg (640x466, 58.5K)

He's a fucking Frog Knight dude I don't have to defend shit

Actually based

You seethed enough to kill a thread for this. That’s based enough for me.

Fuck yeah, let's go, Frog.

dual tech with ayla is a complete party heal + status restore
this shit defends itself


Attached: Frog2.jpg (310x350, 31.36K)

Frog Stomp scales up in damage as Frog loses life, sometimes I'll destroy lavos' final form this way just for kicks. also like others have said, he's a fucking Frog Knight it doesn't get better than that.

Attached: Screen Shot 2020-04-29 at 2.03.38 AM.png (506x416, 333.63K)