Bro you still haven't played doom eternal?!

>bro you still haven't played doom eternal?!

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who are you quoting?

Well? Why haven't you?

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My god, please just fucking neck yourself.

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nope and never will

>In 2020
Is reddit down?

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>My god, please just fucking neck yourself.
>Is reddit down?

Attached: images[1].jpg (205x246, 8.86K)

>Quoting someone who doesn't exist
Actually consider suicide.

Permanent range ban for wojakniggers when? Also yeah indirectly quote me with a wojak. I give you permission to do it.

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i think wojak is funny

>Actually consider suicide.
>Permanent range ban for wojakniggers when? Also yeah indirectly quote me with a wojak. I give you permission to do it.

>Forgets to post his wojack
>Will likely delete the comment and try again
>Will never experience happiness
Kill yourself.

>Permanent range ban for wojakniggers when? Also yeah indirectly quote me with a wojak. I give you permission to do it.

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Who are you quoting?

You already quoted that, tardy.

Yas Forums rangebanned phoneposters from posting and making threads, everything.
Yas Forums won't ban phoneposters because the traffic for ad-revenue is too high

>Kill yourself.

Attached: images[1].png (194x259, 7.2K)

>Permanent range ban for wojakniggers when? Also yeah indirectly quote me with a wojak. I give you permission to do it.

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ITT: butthurt zoomies

All those wojack pictures, and none points any closer to anyone genuinely loving you

Why are wojacks so disappointing?

>All those wojack pictures, and none points any closer to anyone genuinely loving you

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They've overused and tie into equally overused memes.

>You already quoted that, tardy.

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>why yes I actually have played doom eternal

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>Who are you quoting?

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I find these posts to be extremely low quality.

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How was Doom Eternal? Is it a good FPS for new/weak FPS players?

>Frogposter has an opinion

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Not him but it's pretty solid for fps game. Definitely 8/10

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Check out some of the speedruns on YouTube. It's pretty cool. Definitely a waste of money though. They want arena fps fans, Doom fans, console players, and the entire gaming community to play it. Bethesda is obsessed with money.

It is very good, just play on a lower difficulty if you want.

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Wojack is absolutely based and captures the essence of the old Yas Forums perfectly, you newfags were too used to Yas Forums not being Yas Forums since the place went to shit way before you joined in the 2016 election.
t. 2005 fag

No, I have not.

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>I find these posts to be extremely low quality.

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Old Yas Forums aged like milk, sorry but all it serves today is a time capsule of the 'lol so random' humor from back then

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it is what it is

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Zennifucks and bethesniggers should be necked. They meddle with production so hard EA looks like saint for comparison.

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if you don't post ampharos on Yas Forums, you're reddit. simple 'as