It's going to be the most Jack Vance inspired Miyazaki game yet...

It's going to be the most Jack Vance inspired Miyazaki game yet. George didn't take on the project so he could make a GOT rip-off, he took the job as a hired writer to fulfill someone else's vision because he misses that style of writing.
Jack Vance novels take place in the far-flung sci-fi fantasy future btw and are very weird but good.

Attached: elden-ring-featured-scaled-1200x631[1].jpg (1200x631, 64.29K)

>While for Elden Ring we are going back to Western fantasy, the game’s themes are very different from our previous works, which means that beauty, justice, and strength will be different once again. That difference has a big impact on our games as a whole.”
Very interesting.

>makes up some town names and writes an item description
>gets winded and calls it a day
>Miyazaki writes the rest

classic miyazaki saving the day

Gameplay will be ass, long swording R1 R1 donde yo rince and repeat until you win will continue to dominate casual and speedrunning, camera is still ass, bossfights with multiple enemies will be annoying as ever, invading will be even harder and disconnecting will always be an option, etc etc etc. Game will be absolute trash, just another cash grab

>far-flung sci-fi fantasy future
So Warhammer 40k?

sounds insanely based to me

bro take it out on your drywall

I'm actually going mentally fucking ill waiting for this game lads

Not as grim-dark, but there will a little bit of similarity. Expect some monsters that resemble 40k demons.

I am actually going to pay $59.99 for a video game

I haven't done that since....




Metal Gear Solid 3??!!

very based!

I'll probably be back at school with nothing but a small laptop when it releases and won't be able to play with everyone. Hold me, bros.

>long swording R1 R1 donde yo rince and repeat until you win will continue to dominate casual and speedrunning

I have a hunch this will not be true. Elden Ring will punish that playstyle.

I just don't understand statements like this.
School, whether high school or college, should not impede your ability to play video games at the highest technical level possible.

you would be surprised

Man shut the fuck up, it's not gonna be sci fi fantasy


oo eldan wring

Attached: 1586332966481.jpg (225x224, 8.43K)


me for the past week

what's holding you back?

>that which commanded the stars


no u

the actual fuck does this mean?

That 2021 release is looking more and more certain each passing day.

Attached: 1345435477934.jpg (335x243, 19.61K)

>r1 spamming bad
Looks like you got rofl stomped at pontiff sulyvahns house.

it is absolutely happening either at the end of the year or the start of the next year, it would be smart to release it right alongside with the new consoles and advertize it as cross-console supported or something.

Why would anyone release anything at the time of Corona?

Because people don't have anything to do except stay inside and play video games?