I haven't touched Resident Evil 3 in a month because Resistance is too good, please send help

I haven't touched Resident Evil 3 in a month because Resistance is too good, please send help.

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Really? I heard the servers are shit and all the games are stacked. Is it better than people are saying?

There's no servers but the game is suffers from Call of Duty style upgrades which make or break until you've unlocked enough. It's fucking fun though.

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Got Sam's patriot outfit but never touched him, how do I become the champ

P2P connection, where mastermind always hosts. If you enjoy being MM, and use ethernet, than you won't have a problem. Also some people claim they can't find matches at all after like an hour but I load in 3 minutes, so depends on your connection I guess

Region based on PC. I went from 13 to 27 matches on Manchester settings to 30s to 5 mins on London settings.

Spam E to move faster equip yourself for your main damage source (e.g. melee or ranged abilities). Your ult isn't great but it's better than nothing against Biocores.

>Why is nobody helping to kill these lick-
>See Valerie with the MUP
>See January with the MUP
>See Jill with the MUP

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What do you use for recording?

I use OBS to stream to Twitch, create a clip, download the clip and then use WebM for Retards

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What the fuck, Sam is a fucking Tank-Healer-Damage Dealer.

> I haven't touched Resident Evil 3 in a month
That sounds about right. Resistance is trash.

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Tracker mines also launch people if tripped by people flying across the room. I wonder if a legtrap instantly stands people up that are falling

Tank is pure damage. He can tank, but that's not his role. Everyone keeps comparing him to Tyrone but the comparison simply isn't invalid. Tyrone can keep the team alive from the threat, but Sam can get rid of threat, provided it isn't some bullshit like Daniel's No Knockback.

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What's the best gun for Becca to use that isn't a super weapon?

>Gets his ass beat by Fabron
>If he wades into an Annette crowd he's immortal but he's going to get bit fifty thousand times for -15 a pop
>Spencer drops nothing to be meleed
>Alex will blow him up but at least he won't die

Sam kicks lickers in the dick though that's pretty nice considering 95% of the playerbase is incapable of fighting them for some reason

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Sledge+Yellow Herb equals a dead Annette crowd. If you have a flashbang or a Martin with flash ready, then that's a complete fucking loss to Annette and a massive gain to Survivors.
Spencer players are starting to wise up and drop gun after getting bullied by Becca/January/Jill teams. Old Man with a Gun hasn't been see since Jill dropped.
Sam doesn't have to run into traps. He can pick one of the many free MUPs the girls drop and shoot at them from a safe distance so he's not losing time there.
The only one he has trouble with is Daniel, and only if they run the no knockback. Even then, just runaway nigga. Or even better, have the Daniel focus on you while your team runs around doing the objectives.

I really really want to play this but I really don't want to buy RE3, its not fair that its not stand alone

Why is Valerie the cutest?

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Quickdraw. Pair it with her Fever Skill.

That's definitely a "Waa waaaaa!" moment.

Danm seeing Jill of all People there is extra Hilarious


Hmmmm, I shall have to revise my strategy

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>Start to clear the horde around the biocore
>Birkin touches down
>Have to flee from Birkin
>Birkin flops over
>Head back in
>Horde has been replenished / regenerated
>This cycle repeats three more fucking times on the same biocore before we crack it


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>There are people who have reached Rank 200
>On Xbox

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best girl tbqhfamalam

>Half the team disconnects at the beginning of Area 2
>Just Valerie and myself (Sam) against a No Knockback Daniel
>We somehow escaped

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>You call throwing explosives around a support role?
>Hey, as long as it works
