So it's pretty much confirmed that after last of us 2 they've lost their creative control privileges from Sony right?

So it's pretty much confirmed that after last of us 2 they've lost their creative control privileges from Sony right?

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As long as Cuckmann is gone the studio is salvagable. With his SJWism its a sinking ship. Hw tried some light kikery with UC4 and TLoU dlc but went full talmud with part 2. People will keep an eye on him from now on.

Hopefully he gets fired after the rollout of this disaster

Don't worry, he will create his own studio and make his desirable sci-fi game which will become a bit.

If he gets forced out of Naughty Dog, I don't think he'll start a new game studio. It seems pretty clear to me that his true aim is to be in Hollywood. He doesn't care about video games. He has spent practically the entire last decade desperately trying to get Uncharted and The Last of Us made into movies. I'm hoping this debacle finally kills the Uncharted movie and that his The Last of Us HBO show gets canned. Both of those projects are what he blatantly cares more about and are his pet projects. He does not deserve to have that and Uncharted particularly is set to be ruined completely if that movie ever happens.

They died after Jak X let them stay dead.

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druckmann is doing this just becausec he knows controversy sells. all the sjwisms and shit was a way to get publicity and gives them the power to deflect all criticism as anti-gay and sexist which is what he wants. Its good to see it blow up in his face even just a little bit

Yas Forums is making this out to be way worse than reality.

The game will come out, shills will give it 97 on metacritic, retards will buy it, people will forget, repeat.

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I fucking hope so.

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shut up and post more pig

>Yas Forums is making this out to be way worse than reality.
You're mistaking this fiasco with the ff7 remake story controversy. Unlike with the ff7 remake, even normies are fucking livid with naughty dog right now. Go on Twitter or YouTube or reddit or anything. There is literally nothing positive being said about them. This whole thing is a shitshow for naughty dog and they're getting what they rightfully deserve.

Someone on a thread posted a screenshot of reddit mods banning people just for voicing displeasure with TLOU2. I hate its layout, but I imagine watching these fuckers tear each other apart is a little amusing.

Can someone without spoiling tell me what leaked??

It's not only Yas Forums it's almost most of the YT and other communities. Most people are not happy with the whole SJW and Trans infection that has taken over the game.

Joel is shit a golf.

The entire goddamn plot...

For sure. Sony will keep stum till the beginning of next year and suddenly Naughty Dog will be brought under more of Sony's control.
The same shit happens everytime when a dev team fucks up like this. Sometimes even worse.

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>amy will never make a new uncharted
>amy will never make a new soul reaver

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But why is that making people so mad?

Because said plot is really, really fucking bad. The Last Jedi tier bad.

>tfw we're gonna get another comfy uncharted game with no Nadine but more Chloe

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Multitude of reasons such as:
1. Normalfags caring about spoilers to a 8 year in the makiing "game".
2. They're attached to the main characters.
3. The "game" screws them over.
4. Thats not even half the controversy which is rooted in how they're screwed over.

Dont kill yourself when lou2 sells 10 million copies lol

>Its good to see it blow up in his face even just a little bit
How? The game will still be massively successfully, and druckmann will get richer and get to keep writing naughty dogs games. Yas Forums having a meltdown about some buff woman killing Joel isnr going to affect sales

So people are mad the story isn’t what they wanted? That's it? Damn, that’s dumb. If it strays into shit people never expected, which is why they’re mad, I’d say they prob did a good job with it then.

SJW only falls up

Fan reaction will be mixed to negative, because the core fanbase for this series is normalfags. That's one thing, but this game has been in the works for too long and was too much of a moneysink, they had ex-devs saying they would've finished the game long ago if they'd had a better team, even though they've been working on it in some capacity for 7 years.

Druckmann will be Rian Johnson'd most likely, or leave the studio "on his own" by this time next year, if not earlier.

Depends on the sales. And Yas Forumss projections are less than irrelevent

And if Sony thinks they would've sold 15 mil with a more standard, crowd-pleasing story, they'll take the reins without a second thought.

bro this fiasco has ALREADY cost them preorders and overall sales, even if it still does well it wont do AS WELL as it could have which is all the sony execs need to swing their gavels