Sound Thread: Video Games Edition

Sound Thread: Video Games Edition
Extension to get sound on webms, gifs, and images: Forums-external-sounds

Attached: Wombo Combo [].webm (480x360, 2.46M)

BTW you need Yas Forums X AND that script in OP to be able to hear sound.

Attached: S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Shuffle [].webm (320x240, 131.23K)

you should spread these threads like webm/filename ones, so make them once or twice a day. that way we can stay on Yas Forums forever the way they do.

this shit basically came out yesterday, theres gonna be lot of threads until it dies down, then it'll turn into a webm thread sort of deal (I imagine, i'm not every Yas Forums user)

Attached: How to Extend your Lift Gauge [].webm (270x170, 2.68M)

Attached: [].jpg (1200x900, 127.66K)

Attached: Hong Kong 97 [].webm (1436x1080, 717.65K)

Attached: Half-Life 1 Cut Scripted Sequence [].webm (854x480, 685.17K)

Americans are asleep, this thread will go slowly.

Attached: VibRibbonLaughAndPeace [].gif (500x375, 421.83K)

Attached: [].gif (400x301, 1.06M)

Attached: Price of Freedom [].png (480x360, 168.92K)

Attached: [].png (644x964, 1.13M)

Attached: [].jpg (1000x1288, 415.64K)

Attached: Fullfilled Desire [].png (250x288, 167.91K)

Attached: [].jpg (500x365, 57.63K)

Attached: [].gif (480x270, 1.06M)

It wasn't working for me so I had to uninstall violentmonkey and reinstall it, I forgot to back it up though and I lost all of my other scripts

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15.34K)

Attached: [].gif (256x192, 729.92K)

read the OP.

Attached: peppers [].jpg (400x400, 23.06K)

Attached: [].gif (1000x508, 384.31K)

Were you expecting something different?

Attached: mac[].gif (225x168, 2.21M)

Reposting this one

Attached: Recharging [].gif (400x214, 1.43M)

Attached: [].webm (426x240, 1.59M)

Attached: [].gif (620x592, 1.52M)

Attached: [].png (372x284, 119.07K)


Attached: Lock the taskbar [].webm (320x240, 251.67K)

Attached: [].jpg (217x232, 7.46K)

Attached: [].webm (1280x720, 737.35K)

Attached: [].gif (270x392, 714.77K)