Game has colored pipo

>game has colored pipo
>game has gay people
>game has cute trans girl character
>game is boring, has no replay value but is full of white cis people only
Why are Yas Forumsturds like this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Yas Forumstards are all losers and hypocrites, what do you expect?

Some honesty from their side for once maybe

Can you north-americans stop having personal internet one-person wars where you keep flinging shit at each other like the stupid monkeys that you are?
No one wants you identity-politics spewing troglodytes.

Astolfo is a proud trap, he isn't trans

Can you stop making toxic posts? Oh who am I kidding, of course you can't. That's just too much to ask for on a board like this isn't it?


She's trans. Trans!

>game has cute trans girl character
name (1) game

Zelda in BOTW and Samus in Metroid just to name a fewsies

Pol literally cannot refute this. They're just gonna get mad.

>degenerate needs all this excess and trivial bullshit just to get through a video game
But what it really is, is that you need all that to justify your unnatural lifestyle.

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I took a big poop and now my butt's leaking. I'm not supposed to use a lot of toilet paper though. What do I do, Yas Forumsros?

>They're just gonna get mad.
That's what Yas Forumsturds do when you challenge their retarded worldview


Astolfo is a proud (Saber)

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Yas Forums is Yas Forums.

>unnatural lifestyle.
As if being a Yas Forumsturd manchild posting toxic shit on Yas Forums isn't an unnatural lifestyle

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>honesty from a Yas Forumscuck

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>game has colored pipo
We call them niggers
>game has gay people
Please refer to them as degenerates
>game has cute trans girl character

>cute trans girl character
Suspension of disbelief can only go so far, user.

Sweetie you're the plebbitor

Astolfo is his own man, and in addition he's heterosexual

Attached: astolfo ironic.png (720x728, 285.08K)
Thread theme.


Oh HA HA, very funny! NOT. You're salty that you can't get a cute trans gf so you have to call tranners ugly huh?

how do i attain trap/femboy body?
I'm skinny but I think a bit too skinny. like visible ribs and abs skinny. and I don't have the delicious hourglass ratio


>Game has gay, colored and trans people who do not bring any attention to the fact they have those attributes
Name the game.

Vroom Vroom!

Is fapping to Astolfo gay? Respond fast please

No. I do wish all trannies would get curbstomped by non-whites like what happens to some in worldstar videos, though. Those are always a treat.

discordniggers glow in the dark

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No because she's a cute trans girl

Don't worry, Yas Forums, if you keep calling your shit opinions "Based" then others will eventually start to believe you! Remember to inject your daily dose of bleach!

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They all type the same too, they're not even trying to hide it

This is so typical for Yas Forumsturds desu nee! ~

it's not gay if he looks like a girl

how does
>keep your politics out of our videos games
translate to

If they keep saying "kys tranny" they keep getting essay-length responses about why they're so terrible from people like you, so ultimately they're winning.

Careful pol! Da jooz are gonna... are gonna... are gonn.... MAKE ANOTHER VIDEO GAME AAAAAAAAHHH!

>Essay length response
>Literally a single sentence
I knew pol kiddies are retarded but holy shit, you're ADHD addled too?

Get a grip sweetie we all know you're salty that you can't get a cute trans gf to play video games with

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My question is why nips seem like they're the only ones who can write likable gay characters like pic related

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misplaced anger, errant hostility
this is why no one really cares enough to defend your kind

I have no problem with any of those things IF they have a solid reason for their inclusion. Tokenism is not a solid reason.

>Why don't you require a solid reason for the inclusion of heterosexual white men?!

Because, as it stands, they are the default template for a character. Not my decision and there's very little I or any one person can do to change it.

>your kind
Women? We're in luck because there are plenty of REAL MEN out there willing to defend women


>Implying I'm a tranny
Holy shit, you can't even argue without make error ridden assumptions, pol kiddie. Would you like to try again? Maybe if you argue super well, Fuhrer Trump will give you a medal!


nigger :D

>Trans GF
No one wants that. Gay people are 3% of the population and trans are an even smaller percent of that 3%. 97% percent of the human race wants nothing to do with that degeneracy.
Gay people I wish them no harm but they do not matter.

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be a dear and point them out to me

Anyone have a gore folder?

>Jews enrich culture
>nazifags ruin culture
No wonder they lost lol

it's true former chud here trying to do better but I still can't undo all the horrible things I've said about women, minorities and the lgbt community. Help me chapo bros, I hope to one day be worthy of a cute trans girl even as a huge discuting fat slob white cis male who's disgusting both inside and out.

Very edgy, Yas Forumsturd manchild. Do you feel cool yet huh?

nobody can get a cute trans anything ;) you will never be a woman

see, I'm not even insulting you except that you're idiots who take the bait
and you're treating what I'm saying like bait, and also still taking it

They'll all probably kill themselves eventually anyways going by the statistics


Dilate you disgusting freak

>I-I-I-i I'm totally le-epic baiting you guys!!!
Sure, kid. Now run along and let your friends know what a badass epic memelord you were on the le-4chans!

>i cant enjoy this game unless theres gay trans niggers in it
thanks for telling the world your imagination is shit and you cant get immersed unless its a self insert
no wonder trannies like silent protagonists so much

Going by the fake statistics? Fat chance you edgy manchild

This is the discord thread.
If we napalm it, we'll finally be free.

Why, nothing you do is in good faith.

I can't tell if this is an ironic thread but UNIRONICALLY all polfags need get off this board. I'm sick of people crying about "SJW" shit when it's more about being ass fucked by corporations. It's so easy to distract brainlets from the real issues as long as you blame minorities

Remember pol-tards: When you feel crummy in your tummy because the jews make good art, grow a pair and be a man and not a long wet fart.

nobody here actually gives that much of a shit about trans/gays/degenerates/whatever the fuck, it's the board needs a constant boogeyman to unite against, it's what gives it power

if you take that away it just becomes chaos and a lot shittier of a place

Kill yourself, worthless tranny

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>game has colored characters, but they don't adhere to leftist ideology
>game has a gay character, but the gay part doesn't make up his entire character
>game has an attractive trans character
why are liberals like this?