What's the best version to play right now?
Quake thread
Everything but Champions.
Champions might actually be the most forgiving and a solid entry point into the series, but despite ability nerfs, it's still unbalanced by design.
Cons - 3 different champ health/armour pools
Pros - No fall damage, hold space to autojump, vaulting over short ledges, item timers, people playing modes other than clan arena
It might be the best casual Quake, but if you want true boomer points, you should play 3 or Live
Quake Champions is literally "quake for the Overwatch crowd"
>Have to pick a "hero", each with unique abilities
>Recharging "I win" button so the noobs can get an easy kills from time to time
>Strong focus on cosmetics, to the point of showing off every hero at the beginning and end of every frikkin' fight.
>No proper community feel, but matchmaking against a new set of stragers every match
>Lootbox opening between matches, with animations that are near identical to overwatch
Quake is dead.
As a 1000 hour Quake Live player, I have to say there are some key differences between the title and Quake Champions. The most obvious would be matchmaking and the inclusion of abilities, but I don't feel those are that important.
1. Netcoding. QC was unplayable for me until I got an ethernet cable. I was lagging constantly very noticeably and it was very distracting.
2. Movement. In QC I haven't experimented with all the characters but some i.e. the Ranger feel a lot slower than the QL movement.
3. Hitreg. The hitreg in QC is far superior to QL. It's a lot trickier landing shots in QC. If you're a longtime QL player you'll know that that game's hitreg is abysmal. You rail people around corners all the time in that game. In QC you'll be missing shots you thought you should have hit, not the reverse.
4. Audio. The audio design in QC is much harder to use for gameplay information ie enemy movements than the QL audio, at least in my opinion.
The major strengths QC has are: its meta, its free, it has matchmaking, it has an active scene in most gamemodes.
The major strengths QL has are: dedicated servers so you can get to know people and will still be playing with those same people years later, prettier simpler less "epic" graphics, and its clan arena scene is really strong.
People that tell you QC is trash probably don't really understand much about Quake to be honest, and that's coming from me as a relatively new player.
>People that tell you QC is trash probably don't really understand much about Quake to be honest, and that's coming from me as a relatively new player
Yes, we need more overwatch players educating us on why we don't understand Quake.
if they made quake live free instead of champions then arena shooter would probably be alive now
They shoulda just made Quake1.5 with tacked on multiplayer.
Quake live was literally free for a good while, if you downloaded while it was free then you could keep it later
oh so people are really not interested in the genre anymore
if all the quake pros from 2010 are adapted to qc in 2020 you should be able to also adapt if you're truly into the game
Look man, I've been playing quake since quake 2. Champions is shit because its a poor attempt at making an arena shooter into a hero shooter. 3/ioquake will always be GOAT. QC is literal fucking garbage.
The fact is the core fundamentals of how it plays are broadly speaking similar. Champions are hard to deal with but in the bigger picture if you can't figure out how to play around them you're a big old brainlet XD
QL until Diabotical comes out
Quake Live didn't even had any gore and had loadouts, and everyone was a green Keel.
Shit port, obviously died, and people wonder why
QC was great adn just Quake when it worked.
But never works correctly
Quake Live has a massive clan arena scene. I don't remember whether Q3 or CPMA still have scenes. I can get QL gameplay at any time of day and they are extremely skilled players.
Quake hampions.
>Quake Live has a massive clan arena scene. I don't remember whether Q3 or CPMA still have scenes. I can get QL gameplay at any time of day and they are extremely skilled players.
Yeah, i'm pretty sure all 12 people that like QL shit everything are pretty invested in it. Maybe they fill a whole server sometimes.
I tried a game recently, called Warfork I think. It's basically a q3 clone but with some "parkour" elements.
It's ironic that Quake's artstyle is my least favorite aspect of it, while being Yas Forums's and Bethesda's favorite. I always turn QL graphics to potato tier and put enemy color to bright green. Many QC maps are hard to play because of their cinematic design, I.e. the sun on Blood Covenant at mega armor. And the waifu you posted is shit tier. If they kept Quake gameplay but gave us Overwatch graphics and waifus it'd both satisfy purists and attract newcomers.
Whatever.. If you don't want to play Quake, I can't persuade you otherwise.
My parents are unironic Quakers. Used to have to go to meetings when I was younger. You sit in an old room full of old people for like an hour. Used to pass the time by memorising the books of the bible that were displayed on the far wall.
I'm not interested in multiplayer Quake to be desu. I had HLDM, Deathmatch Classic, TFC, CS, and innumerable multiplayer mods to scratch that itch. Even nowadays I'd sooner boot up UT2007 than QL or QC. Dreadfully boring looking stuff, QC and QL.
Okay lorefag, enjoy your developer hugbox I guess :#
but why didn't you play The Game?
What did he mean by this?
>arena shooter into a hero shooter.
I don't know how to sell a guy on a game he thinks is boring. Watch Rapha vs Cooler self commentary from 2010, that's how I got into Quake as a multiplayer game. I find SP games to be pleasant timekillers for when I want to unwind.
>Overwatch graphics
fucking where?
I play Open Arena, it's a free quake3. Since the source code is free for everybody but the assets are still copy righted someone made their own bootleg models and maps... It's strange, but all the techniques are identical and there's a lot of people playing it. I find a match much easier on Open Arena
>Quake is dead
And crybaby faggot Quakedads killed it.