Which vidya has the best feet textures?

Which vidya has the best feet textures?

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what game is this

Fire Emblem Awakening

Looks like DQXI

objectively better feet then what's seen in FFremake.

Shit fetish. Devs shouldn't put more than 4 tris on feet

gun gun pixies is alright even if they all have same feet

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Cute feet are so awesome!

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In MGSV, they made Quiet's feet more realistic by scanning the soles of her mocap actress. Her feet ended up looking a bit weird, but at least I commend the effort.

FF15 is a really shit game, but it had some great feet.

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>red nails
Imagine footfagging with absolute shit taste

they look better wet

God I love that kind od shoes

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This, french nails are the best.

monster hunter

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Looks like the feets of my wife!

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You have to be genuinely retarded to not enjoy the female foot

Wedges are really nice.

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Corrin is the foot slut why isn’t she getting her toes sucked instead

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oh man

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what is this from?

Tower of Trample


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damn I want to tickle those feet


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I wasnt going to coom but now I am.

the way this dude textures soles is so uncanny and offputting to me i cant get off to it

This. Too wrinkly for an otherwise unbelievably smooth-looking character.