
Why do people still watch him?

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wtf I thought he was black?

Not even close baybee

no, that would be his wifes boyfriend.

imagine the smell of dunkey's fat shits

he's the funny cheeto guy.

keep making it (the exact same thread repeatedly)

Because he's lol xD so funny

He manages to get a chuckle out of me but mostly from just how... bad he is in general. Its sorta like DSP, its a 'watching a trainwreck' scenario.

>Le silly mumbling voice to hilarious observation
Literally all his videos

He’s never managed to top his best video.

Wow, you weeb faggots really got burnt on his last video.

>another dunkey thread
Thank god! They keep getting deleted. I'm glad someone is still making more. Everyday Yas Forums is becoming an eceleb board it makes me so happy!

vidya equivalent of pic related
absolutely dogshit opinions but amusing to listen to sometimes

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Jannies confirmed biased nigger faggots. Threads shilling his videos are allowed to reach bump limit but the moment someone makes a thread shitting on him it gets deleted asap.


hes funny. fuck off

Why do you still talk about him every day? You're like the dsp guys who want dsp to go away but never stop talking about him. Or the onision guys.

Dunkey lives rent free in your heads

continue to pronounce the word

just what is this elusive "it" that keeps being said?

It's a eceleb who focuses on vidya so I don't see the problem. Maybe mods are Dunkey fags?

asks his wife or their bull

Very funny (((coincidence)))

oh i see thanks for clearing it up

did you hear that everyone else? I figured out the "it" mystery

Just discovered dunkey recently and he's pretty much the only gaming youtuber I can tolerate for 5 minutes. Also I was surprised to find out he wasn't some fucking Puerto Rican

who did you ask and what did they say?

i asked

but was the one who gave me the answer as you can see there

He's the only video game youtuber that isn't a total sellout. Microsoft sponsored him and he still called their games shit. Any other channel will say whatever the person handing out checks tells them to.

oh i see. very interesting answer. glad someone was there to help you.

you know he's 100% right. the dialogue and cutscene direction in ff7 is fucking stiff and trash. i knew it would be since the demo. you're all on crazy pills for somehow being okay with it. dunkey is the only sane one

I don't like Dunkey but there's nothing wrong with him having his own opinion. It's his retarded fans that have no ability to formulate their own opinion that take his for their own, then present it as fact. That's what is dumb.

fantano is the biggest annoying pretentious and ugly faggot in the world. dunkey is hardly the equivalent of him, their styles are completely different and fantano loves jerking himself off at any given moment. I can't stand that bald boring faggot

He's really good at editing. Same with Crowbcat. Come to think it, I've never seen those two in the same room...

I mean yes he's a cuck but thats not why his videogame opinions are so shit. He thinks that Mario is the pinnacle of videogames and anything with a story too complicated for him to understand is 'convoluted and stupid.' (Hint: too complicated for Dunkey is anything that isn't flatly spelled out or as basic as the 'story' in Mario)

He's pretty funny as far as random shitters on youtube go and he has generally good opinions.

His Nioh 2 video made me laugh

This 100%, dunkeys fine but his fanbase is rabid and retarded

He literally copied and pasted his opinion for FFVII remake

Why do people still make eceleb threads?

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shits on JRPGs and doesnt afraid of anything

Copied and pasted from what though?

>hes funny

Now that's funny

work on your reading comprehension

he likes western games with storytelling like RDR though. he just doesn't like the cringe japanese writing.

>tfw no indiana jones world

Leave Northernlion out of it.

hmm interesting opinion

thoughts on this guys (and girls potentially)?

interesting indeed, but alas he is misinformed and wrong.

that doesn't make them equivalents retard nigger lover

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Twitter trannies having a meltdown because he had the integrity to call FF7R out for the terrible piece of shit that it is. his KH3 video is a masterpiece.
He's one of the few reviewers willing call a shit game shit. the sort of faggots who would call the childish inane bullshit nomura makes "good" don't matter at all. get fucked KH speds.

literally work on your reading comprehension
i said they're equivalent IN THAT they have dogshit opinions but are amusing watch sometimes
god you're stupid

>tfw no indiana jones world...

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>Dunkey is generally considered inoffensive
>Takes a shit on FFVIIR
>Suddenly he is the scum of the earth and doesn't know shit about videogames


That's Moby, brother

He doesn't know shit about video games. He's very easily frustrated by the littlest of things and only praises and enjoys games that take little to no brainpower to understand or play.

Like I said
He likes basic bitch things

That isn't how equivalency works you retarded gorilla nigger, that's just you having utterly shitty taste

He's actually quite good at vidya, especially platformera, he just pretends to be bad for the vids.

>posting the edited post

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keep watching it