If you are a racist, xenophobic, or homophobic/transphobic then you should just stay the fuck away from Naughty Dog and their experiences. They don’t need you types of gamers
Neil Has Spoken guys
nirvana is extremely overrated
honestly based
What's the problem with that? Yas Forumstards are so bitter they can't enjoy video games anyways"!~
I wonder if that's what he was thinking when he sucked off a shotgun
He may be a subversive kike but this is very predictable of him
Based Cobain desu
He was probably wishing he had never married Courtney Love when she shot him.
so I did cobain a favour and he did me a favour without either of us even knowing it?
Going with what big corporations were promoting to change the culture? I thought Nirvana were rebellious.
This sound famliar, they know about BFV and DICE?
Wonderful, if Naughty Dog wishes to change their main audience to a extremely vocal minority, they go ahead. We can't really stop them can we? All we can do is sit back and watch their actions unfold. If they lose sales, so be it. If this turns out to be a colossal success both critically and domestically, so be it.
Big corporations weren't promoting that shit back then beyond "black people cool".
Nope, not even the dead can rest in peace. They'll dig up anyone they need to in order to shill their shit.
>Wonderful, if Naughty Dog wishes to change their main audience to a extremely vocal minority,
Like how you guys say this over and over again but game sales keep getting bigger and bigger despite pandering to this extremely vocal minority. You put so much in your 4 big "go woke go broke" bombs in 2018 you actually tricked yourself into thinking it was true.
He said that back when he was alive, idiot.
I hate western devs because they’re hacks that push propaganda, change things in their butchering localizations, and are overall pretentious faggots who think vidya is an art form/movie format. Vidya is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, escapism, with interesting story and actual gameplay. The big Corp devs especially western ones have forgotten this and churn out shit, often polluted with political shit.
Not hating homosexuals, non-whites, and women doesn't mean eating garbage just because it checks off some boxes. Pretty sure Cobain would have been disgusted the way corporations use social justice to sell more garbage.
We’ll see how it turns out. The times are changing and people are getting sick of this shit. Especially with zoomies getting older and bitter about this shit:
Ah, the north-american using identity politics as a shield, so that the other tools who follow those same ideals open up their wallets and give money to big company because big company is their friend.
Cringe, absolute cringe.
Also how great is it to dig up corpses for your political agendas, how morally empty, as to be expected from north-americans.
>imagine actually believing this
You blind fucking retard. How did a dipshit like you even get past the captcha.
he was already a disgusting fag who used social justice to sell
Well thats most people not buying his game then.
You're acting as if there are no good games because of cherry picked shitty ones. Calm down. The best grand strategy game on the market was made by western dev's for example. Total war warhammer 2 you heretic.
>don't like it, don't buy it
Didn't another game company do this not too long ago?
I mean I would be impressive if he was to say that while being dead for 20 year.
Yup. The dumb cunt just said if you do not like it do not buy it. These people never learn from past mistakes. Its fucking glorious.
It actually is true in some cases. Ghostbusters now that its recycled back is selling vastly more merchandise and sales than when it tried going woke. Star Wars now that its starting pandering back to the fans over the ST and woke agendas makes massively more money than it was during it. The difference is whether the fans actually give a shit about their product or they just mindlessly consume it with no regard to anything. Sometimes things do take a huge hit in terms of sales and money lost. TLOU2 will most likely sell a lot less just because Reddit/Twitter are fuming about the leaks. Not to say it wont still sell because the average gamer and mindless consuming doesn't browse leaks or really care all that much outside of their normalfaggotry, but it will probably hurt sales. ND has already had a pretty big turnover rate for their devs jumping ship to The Initiative as well. ND will be fine, but their sales probably will hurt for a bit, not that they'll switch their tune in any way. But really at the end of the day, "get woke, go broke" completely depends on the name behind it.
It's not the same context you jackass. You honestly think he would make a statement like this for a fucking corporation like sony or Naughty dog if he was alive?
4channel pass sweetie :)