What is your HONEST opinion on Yas Forums - Video Games?

What is your HONEST opinion on Yas Forums - Video Games?

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terrible playerbase

hmmm yess yes braap hmmm

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Why did this get stickied?

Holy shit posting in a sticky!

cus it's based and ratpilled

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niggas iffy uh
ratty got the sticky uh

V is one of the worst boards In Yas Forums
thats why i love it

I preferred Yas Forums - The Vidya desu. just had more SOUL ya know

I'd post in his sticky if you catch my

the community is somehow worse than the mods

I'm here mostly just shitposting famalam.
Yas Forums doesn't even talk about games I like generally. Sometimes there is an RTS thread or something that lasts for more than 10 posts, but otherwise there is nothing worthwhile here besides memes and shitposting.

Share your Apus btw. Here is a rare one, fresh from Ylilauta.

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your what?

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It's awful but I can't stop because it's instant, varied, and easily digestible content.

/vint/ was better


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holy shit why is this stickied also is the webm i posted real? someone help please

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The site has only gotten as bad as it has BECAUSE of the mods not doing shit about the garbage posters on the site
It takes two to tabgo and honestly the mods hold the bulk of the blame

Fucking newfags, that's not how it works you retard. See, you say "Candlejack" and th

It's... okay I guess.

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People here are feeling superior for their taste in video games while never playing them and are only browsing Yas Forums, also everyone is an incel on this board

>people feel real

Ah yes. I too go outside and hear people screaming "TRANNY BASED BASED Yas Forums FUCK YOU LMAO OH NO NO NO CRINGE SNOY NINTENIGGER GO BACK PLEBBIT RETARD LITERALLY BTFO SJW DANGERHAIR" at each other over a few beers.

i hate it because Yas Forums's children post here every single fucking day. i hate preteens.

People are socialized to be polite in public, with the anonymity of the internet the realness comes out.

4channel was a mistake.

moot should've killed himself early.

It's a great source of funny pictures and reaction images. Also the occasional video game recommendation.

I think not, there's no way that cat's bulge is that big

I miss shark tits
Who is this spunk skunk?

Yas Forums is gay

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It's a hellhole the vast majority of the time, but you can occasionally see glimmers of hope and some great vidya discussion. I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy the off-topic stuff a little bit, though. Yas Forums feels like Yas Forums Lite, and that's part of the fun to me.

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your mom gay lole!!

I like this

search on e621 the tag: squigga

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It is the most baitable board.

Good asses! Thanks, pal!

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Why is that you guys can only have an interesting discussion when it's about oldfag ecelebs?

it's shit, even Yas Forums is comfier than this shithole.

Nice thread, dont mind if i...

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what, this shit deserves a sticky but Aniki's death didn't? fucking faggot jannies

Getting good at fighting games and then seeing how Yas Forums talks about fighting games confirmed that people here don't know shit about anything. This is still one of the only places on the internet where you can say whatever you want so it's fun though.

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Man, I just fucking reformatted my computer