What are you spending your trumpbux on?

What are you spending your trumpbux on?

Attached: trumpbux's well spent saving nis.png (1185x730, 304.34K)

I put it in savings unlike a fucking moron. You should too.


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not weebshit that's for sure

Sperg. Save your money.

Attached: No fun allowed .jpg (448x473, 60.42K)

>went through the trouble of making a TurboTax account to fill out the non filers form
>didn't even get any trumpbux
please kill me

You're literally supposed to spend it.
Saving or paying of debt is the exact thing that doesn't keep the economy going.

Nis crap is even less fun, you bought a $300 sealed plaque that will sit on your shelf and collect dust. Absolute moronic purchase.

>a technology for fine art or photograph reproduction using a high-quality inkjet printer to make individual copies.
>$300 for a photocopy
>in a time of hyperinflation
top kek

porn commissions of my MMO characters
save the rest

I put it into a 401k.

>I put it into a 401k.
So not only is your money now gone, you also owe them money?

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Turbotax and a lot of the other "free" tax middlemen have some arcane business practices that mean direct deposits for these checks are mostly out of the question

You'll probably get a paper check eventually with Trumps signature on it


Fucking rent.

Bet it all on Bitcoin. Don't fail me McAfee.

kek what a dipshit

i lost my iguana
there's nothing i want to even spend my trump bux on. i got no more motivation to play any video games.
all i want back is her
she was the only reason i was happy.

32 ETH

why wouldn't you just go to a printing place and supply your own image for a fraction of the price?

Ok, I'll let you monkeys spend your money on shit while I keep working my job like normal and put extra cash in my savings.

Considering investing it or blowing all of it on manga

What are you saving it for?

>he doesn't squat
>he doesn't roadkill


Bought some games and some game osts, but nothing major. Plus I'm still working with extra pay. Wanna get a new PC eventually.

you're not really using a tax credit meant to rehabilitate the united states economy on overseas garbage you can get when you go back to work, are you

I used bitcoin to buy a pass and had 2 bucks in btc left over. Now I have 2 bucks and 19 cents

Maybe I'll put some in

There is only one correct answer.

Attached: I Will Make It With 30k Link.jpg (855x477, 34.63K)

We're about to hit inflation something fierce. Not as bad as Venezuela did with its 54,000,000% inflation in 4 years, but probably a good 10-15% in 4 years. If you're not going to spend it on something frivolous -- which I will note, a lot of things did go in value in the past week -- then invest it. In what? Fuck if I know, the world is ending.

I, for one, put it towards a new roof on my second house. I'll be fixing it all day tomorrow.

Attached: wall of pom.png (1046x787, 1.86M)

>when you go back to work
>back to work
who do you think we are?

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Gonna spend a small portion of it stupidly and save the rest for possibly the same thing eventually.

Didn't get any.

>toilet paper house

Same. I make too much.

>Still working
>Spending my refunds, Trumpshekels, and paychecks on plastic models from overseas
Suck my chode, economy

a bunch of guys in their twenties running out of time

If you add up all the free time wagies and NEETs have in a lifetime I would imagine it all comes out even. Wagies might even end up with more in the long run. The NEET life is unsustainable and many commit suicide.

I'm looking at two figures right now. I'm most likely going to buy clothes, new glasses, and Xenoblade remaster if I can find a special edition.

Saving it for my move at the end of summer so long as this shit doesn't fuck me over. A month at my mom's has already turned into like 8 thanks to other fuckery.

>had 21gs in savings in cash
>now have 25gs

feels good.

I hope you're just a NISA employee...
Cute anime figures I can at least resell in the future, and maybe for a profit. But a niche canvas for a niche fanbase?
