Games with functioning nuclear power plants?

Games with functioning nuclear power plants?
I just want a power plant simulator with a comedic element.

Attached: alexey-makeev-atom-02-0000.jpg (1920x1080, 344.07K)

Attached: Reactor.webm (1024x576, 1.94M)

a certain crop of SS13 servers have an engine on the station that's more or less a functioning reactor, the supermatter crystal. You can increase the power output by letting it run extra hot, or using unconventional methods of cooling (lots of options.) You can also throw people and other materials into the core for "funny" effects.

The game is a bitch to learn, though, and if you mess up learning to run the engine (which you inevitably will) you'll blow the station in half and everyone will be mad at you.

Can you do heat pipes from reactors to steam turbines like you do in factorio in real life? i kinda feel like those pipes irl would vaporize anything that comes within inches of them so your dude couldn't walk over them or something

Is factorio hard? I keep seeing how it's a 10/10 game everywhere, but every time I see a picture I feel like my autism isn't powerful enough to make that stuff.

it's fun even when you're just starting off, but it does get complicated very fast. it's what i call an "adderall game"

Space station 13
Not really a power plant per see but boy it sure does have comedic element.

You only need like medium autisim, enough to watch a long youtube video on train track setups for example

It looks really complicated but it's just a large number of individual systems

Attached: Stoneman.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

The reason factorio is 10/10 is because regardless of whether you have never played a video game before, or are a minmaxing autism superchild you can play it from start to finish.

Its a bit like tetris, anyone can play it, few master it. But its fun for everyone.

Delete this.

Rimworld with Rimatomics

Unironically, Fallout 76

God this makes me moist

>belt is not fully saturated
0/10 would not autism with

Attached: Balancer 2 the balancing.webm (1024x576, 2.87M)

Metal pipes would melt before they hit "proximal vaporization" temperatures.

reactors in factorio are too simplistic. one of the few things I never liked about the game.

Attached: Balancer 3 the balancining.webm (1024x576, 2.86M)

>medium autisim
>enough to watch a long youtube video on train track setups for example
mate you might be a little more "autisitic" than you think

Is the point of this to compress the incoming small things in the empty space of the incoming big things?

It's not that you should start out like this. The most fun way to play factorio is through iterative design. This basically means you do something, and if it's shit, you do it again while fixing the mistakes you just made.

You could start out with a simple station to station rail, but then want to expand the network. Then you'll see that your trains fuck up in a certain point, but you can now fix this because you're already familiar with rails/stations/trains. Maybe you figure it out on your own, or if it's really too complicated you look up a guide to smooth out the bump you're running into.

For example I've played most of the game on my own, but I've peeked at factory layouts and imported belt balancer blueprints as I didn't care to memorize the principles of something like that.

Attached: dc854ea743871edd5c129dff3fc72476_original.gif (500x281, 790.81K)

>as supermatter shard bumps into supermatter shard you briefly contemplate the choices that led you here

The balancer takes the input belts and equalizes it among the output belts. This way in the webm, as the iron mines exhausted each belt going offscreen would maintain an even output
Why? Because at the end of those belts are arms which load a train, to reduce load time I want all the cars to finish loading as close as possible

Attached: Balancer.webm (636x504, 1.47M)


Attached: Trains.webm (1920x1080, 1.59M)


>wow you have an attention span?
>you must be autistic!

Attached: 3mpgajw6f5d41.jpg (1437x1171, 454.95K)

You havnt cummed hard until you have like 6 of the fastest belts blasting along full speed while completely full of ore

>nuclear power plants
Yikes sweetie. Nuclear power must be eliminated.

>Nuclear power must be eliminated.
Why do you hate the enviroment?

t. oil lobbyist