Can we get a Siege thread? Talk about anything, mains, Ubisoft, bullshit, whatever. Let's talk /siege/
Can we get a Siege thread? Talk about anything, mains, Ubisoft, bullshit, whatever. Let's talk /siege/
before he gets here:
TOS. don't buy a game if you don't follow its rules.
Vigil's gun is real nice, just bought him.
Main defense is valk, main in attack is Capitao uhh what else
Favorite map is coastline
Tachanka rework when?
a fun game that i enjoy
The game went to shit when they added the gooks, ubishit doesn't know what the fuck they're doing.
warden chads rise up in this age of candela
Coastline is a great balanced map, I think I heard it has a 50/50 winrate for attackers and defenders.
Maestro is great fun on defense, denying smoke plants and getting cheeky final killcams with the laser is fun and his LMG is a beast.
Vigil's gun is nice like you say, and Alibi is slept on as another good gun on a 3 speed defender.
rise up and get shot down by Ying's buffed LMG vs your peashooter
now that the dust has settled, thoughts on 2/2 jaeger?
His gadget is still very powerful and his gun is good just gotta play him more as a lurker than a true roamer now.
The bots in this game are hard and I'm too much of a pussy to try playing online with real people when I've heard the stories of all the autists that do nothing but play this game and know all the exploits.
can we go back to year 2 of this game
there's a newcomer playlist that only allows low level players, just try it
they haven't released any operator that changes the meta significantly since year 2
>The bots in this game are hard
The AI in THunt are terrible, they're slow and inaccurate compared to people and they move in predictable patterns, usually standing still to shoot. If you can't outshoot the AI then you need to practice until you can.
As for online, there's a huge skill range and plenty of new players so you should find even games once your MMR has found a steady state. Play Ranked - honestly, it's the best experience since you'll drop down to a rank that you belong at to start with and can gradually climb as you learn more about the game. Don't expect to be a Gold straight off the bat.
Maestro, Maverick, Nomad, Kaid, Gridlock, Mozzie and Goyo all changed the meta, and Alibi, Nokk, Iana and Oryx are all fun casual ops
>buy game
>agree to tos
>play game and like it
>they change the tos to take my free speech away
>gg no re
Why I suck so much in this game?
>1 speed kapkan
Yup, those were the days
is this legal?
There was a time when Siege was about operators, now it's about gook pop stars or whatever else zoomers like. Glad I uninstalled.
Siege was, is, and always will be about headshots
>friend convinces me to play a few rounds after i swore off the game
>all the old ops now have mile long bios and "gadget evals"
>Team rainbow is now some slice of life school nonsense with quirky hippy handler now
Jesus christ is ubisoft keeping the lights on with the spinning Tom is doing in his grave
Yes Siege was about marksmanship... and tactical operators.
sue them
I haven't played Siege seriously since they've added Kaje or whatever his name is. Bandit for hatches. Last really good season was White Noise. I think the game started to truly go downhill with the Hereford Base rework - whichever season that was, it just kinda stopped being as fun as it used to be.
I still have about 800 hours played, and a lot of good memories with friends in it. I'll go back to it someday, but not yet. I think they've added way too many characters that are inconsequential. They should go back to the drawing board, cut out a bunch of operators, and retool their abilities as additional functions for existing operators.
They've also made dumb aesthetic changes to character's appearances and portraits and have generally shifted away from the (mostly) realistic vibe the game had in its first two years. I actually first got into the game in Velvet Shell, though.
Bandit, Rook, Castle, Doc, Echo, Montagne, Blitz, Echo, Lesion, Thatcher
>favorite maps
Classic Hereford, Skyscraper, House, Plane, Favela
I love how there are loads of in-universe references to 'Rainbow Six' when that is the name of the series IRL and the actual counterterrorism unit is just called Rainbow.
>They should go back to the drawing board, cut out a bunch of operators, and retool their abilities as additional functions for existing operators.
Hahaaa, never gonna happen, because some people bought those operators and they're probably too scared to refund people
Haven't played in over a year desu but Germans being fast was part of their core gameplay identity. Something like Kapkans speed change I can understand because he's supposed to be a hunter but changing Jagars speed is dumb. They always seem to take forever to balance things properly if they ever do, and instead nerf/buff shit unrelated to the actual problem. I assume Jager was nerfed because his gun and gadget were too strong, but they could have just nerfed either of those and not cucked his speed.
I know it's not gonna happen. If they ever make a sequel to Siege - which is inevitable with how successful it is - they need to
>separate it from the Tom Clancy and Rainbow Six name - just call it Siege and have it act as a reboot
>more realistic engine, like the RE Engine or some shit even though Capcom owns it. Something that'd look amazing in tight, cramped, operator-as-fuck areas
>dark mode
>small selection of operators with multifaceted gadgets rather than literally 100 operators with dinky gadgets that do one thing
if you're any rank above gold, he's a non threat unless it's down to a 1v1 and the bomb has been planted
Didn't really change the meta in a huge way sans maybe the nip map
Barely changed the meta, gadget is more of a nuisance and she's practically useless against a well-cooperated team
he made thatcher essential for house but that's about it, otherwise there are tons of other operators that would get picked before him
if you have a full team, she would never get picked
it's easier to just set drones up in the right place and bait the kill
lol no
I guess I can sort of give you that one since he shaves time off matches
Siege went to shit after the first year. It is no longer worth playing. Installed it 3 months ago to try it, and it was terrible. Permanently removed it from my steam account.
Dropped when they added an obese dyke gunner. That was the confirmation that this game isn't a semi-realistic specops game but modern Overwatch.
unforgivable that both Polish operators were women and one was a tumblr stereotype at that
pic related, what should have been
>OP health
It was a best of times, it was the jankiest of times
yeah the poles got fucked raw on that deal
It really upsets me. Siege used to be very fine-tuned. Every operator had a very specific function that nullified/synergized with another operator.
I genuinely think the last operators that were added with a lot of thought put into their design on multiple levels with their synergy was Lesion and Ying.
And shit like the zombie mode is retarded and just completely takes me out of the game. Gun skins and cosmetics, too. Rainbow Six isn't League of Legends, man.
The operator designs themselves have been shit, too. I booted up the game for a big 5v5 with some friends a few weeks back, and there was some albino chick on the moon or some shit? Fucking stupid.
Give me the vibe from IQ's operator intro video. Creeping into a dark-ass basement ready to shoot some fools. Not some sport event in a big arena.
They didn't even fix shit in operation health either
i have no idea what kind of shit is going on behind the scenes but i would imagine not well