Angry joe vs Dunkey

Joe loves the remake
Dunkey hates it
Which one is correct

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What a fat disgusting slob.

If at any point you find yourself unironically siding with angry joe it might be time for some self-reflection

Damn the western localization team really put in some hard work.

They're both fucking terrible.

I love dunken but he's retarded.

E-celeb board when?

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Joe is an actual gamer.
Dunkey is a Nintendo fanboy that makes jokes for reddit and lets his wife get fucked by niggers.
Joe wins.
Keep saying it.

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t. E-nobody

>two equally shit options
what is this the US election?

I dont care about either opinion, but iirc, this is Joe's first time playing "FF7"

Dont know about Dunkey though

>guy who talked about tacos in his wedding vows having any credibility on the quality of writing

funny because he does make some right points, but he doesnt need to outright lie to make his point

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They're both faggots, form your own opinions or fuck off back to church or boy scouts.

I forgot this guy's name, Yas Forums doesn't keep saying t

disgusting liberal cucks

Joe only plays Western shit.
Dunky hates JRPGs in general.

Dunky seems pretty based in this context.

I'm so glad I don't care about these faggot e-celebs

>Caring about Review Niggers
Why do you do this Yas Forums?

Unironically this

>angry joe
so that was his name, thanks op

t. nigger

What's his name again Yas Forums?

>lets his wife get fucked by niggers.
going to need a source on this. For research purposes.

It's not outlandish to call Jap games out as having bad writing.

Dunkey is right. Joe is a retard that liked nu-star wars until everyone screamed at him to backpeddle. Any actual fan of original FF7 can plainly see how the remake is shit, and dunkey is likely coming from that place, whereas Joe comes from npc eating garbage territory.

Nintendo is part of the reason the industry exists. Good reason to be a fanboy

Keep saying it

Disgusting. Yahtzee would be ashamed of you

Joe has terrible taste and I suspect unironically gets paid off but not every time

Game is enjoyable, but the side quests are shit.

Joe's a dumb consumer. a likeable one, but still.

>what they did 35 years ago gives them a pass now
Try making an argument next time.

dunkeyKEK btfo by angryCHAD

Joe probably liked it well enough to recomend it but also got paid to give it a better score
Dukey hates RPGs with a passion and shits on them at every oportunity

never thought I'd play a square game where
1. the sidequests and story are so bad you speed through most of it
2. the gameplay is really well done
it's the most anti SE/Nomura game ever

>Still seething at these threads.

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Angry Joe has been paid to shill so much he's become a millionare off of it.

Folks from the south of the border look to him as some kind of hero or some shit but at the end of the day? He's bleh. You can't take his words seriously.

> remember Battlefield V?
if you don't like the game your a misogynist? As a red head women, with one arm, and a cricket bat fought on the front lines of WW2. Or the one part of the game where the woman pulled off a ops by herself that in history was pulled off by 5 or 6 men?

We really need a split at this point. It's big enough to be it's own thing between the stream fags vtubers and ecelebs. The e-celeb shit can take up to 25 percent of the whole board some days. These fags are the new ponies now.

Joe likes "Games" where he has exceptionally low need to input in order to win. Dunkey likes games where demand of player inputs is everpresent and you are constantly doing things. Dunkey's primary complaints about FF7R are the vast degree of cutscenes and how many new segments were added just to stretch the game completely unnecessarily and how many elements of "new" content are complete dogshit, and he's 100% correct about every one of these problems. I say this as someone who genuinely had a good time with 7R and am currently on my hard mode NG+.

Honeslty, i'll double down. Any actual person who has played games for any tangible amount of time and has any actual self-worth can see the game is a shitty, padded out, slowed down, episodic piece of shit that is a sequel to ff7, masquerading as a remake, that isn't being advertised as episodic, all to try and grift original fans of their money. The game is also a railroaded game with barely any more meaningful content than original 6 hour midgar, it's just stupidly padded out with poor pacing, shitty side quests, and everything slowed down, all to try and make a content starved game feel like a real game.

Both are fucking faggots

Yep. pol and tv suffer from the same zoomer "muh eceleb" bullshit.

Still keeping the industry alive and bringing in new gamers every generation (who spend money on games) this keeping the industry alive.

Keep sayin' it