What rpg's are you playing (at last)/finishing or starting these days? It doesn't matter if is not a recent title. Any console is valid!!
Tell us and share your thougths with others.
(mine's pic related)
Rpg Lockdown appreciation thread
Trials of Mana.
It's obvious that SE drop a little budget to this game but damn the gameplay is fun as heck.
Also Chawlotte is cute and funny.
I cannot feel my ass anymore. Send help
Odin sphere (ps4)
Playing with gwen was fun but the fucking bunny prince have a lot of option to make combos.
trials of mana and kingdom hearts 1.5 collection on my xbone x. i had no idea they stealth dropped the collections onto the xbone, they need to advertise that shit
started dragons dogma
is full assassin strength build good?
Playing with velvet is more fun.
Basically spiderman.
Also she's my waifu.
Never played that before.
Tell more about it.
Stalled out at the same spot I usually do in both FF6 and FF9, I'll never beat those games
I should play Thousand Arms or Lunar or something fresh
Is that Cosmic Star Heroine? I've been meaning to check it out. How is it?
Been playing a lot of Divinty Original Sin II want something more light.
It's a shame that FF6 never got the same treatment on ds like FF4.
It's great right up until you hit the end-end-game and the game throws at you a bunch of physical immune enemies. You'll definitely know when that happens, though, and pawn choice alleviates it a lot.
Op here.
I was expected nothing from the game but it's great (the grind is a chore sometimes), the music is very good.
If you want challenge play it on hard.
The character design is not that great but the game is fun.
Pic related.
I got it on a flea market.
You have a party or solo??
Vandal hearts and I fucking love it. Really missed out on it
Recommend me some good RPGs on the ps4 or one's that are easy to emulate.
Robopon (gbc)
Basically pokemon but with robots.
I’m playing FFXV. I can see why people think it’s shit it but I’m enjoying it. My biggest complaint at the moment is that the load times are way too long on ps4.
Started Nocturne a few days ago. All SMT games seem to have a boring start before you get sucked into it, but this one especially has been taking longer. Bear Matador earlier tonight and now dicking around in the Amala maze, when does it finally "hook" you?
I can say that the only SMT that hooked me from start to finish was DeSu.
Slim or Pro?
been bouncing back and forth between Illusion of Gaia, and Lufia 2 Rise of the Sinistrals.
I played the original Ff7 this month in quarantine. Bored the shit out of me and I had to force myself to finish it
I agree. Ff6 is one of the best games of all time
Now you're ready to enjoy the time ghosts on the remake.
The plot on DeSu 2 is fucking joke compared to the first one.
What was Atlus thinking??
What are some shorter RPGs i can emulate? Don't feel like starting a 25-40hr RPG. I enjoy grinding an above average amount but not too much.
What about Parasite Eve 1
You can even finish that shit in 10-15hrs.
jrpgs are not rpgs
was there a patch where you get ecchi scenes in thousand arms?
A lot of the Gameboy-era ones. Final Fantasy Legend 2 and 3 are like 15 hours a pop.
Ys games are often short too.
Rhapsody A Musical Adventure is a fun ride, like 10 hours.
The plot of the game makes no fucking sense whatsoever, i've played it up to some underwater base and events just seem to happen without any continuity linking them. You're in a chrono trigger millennium fair ripoff. Then you get caught and put into the most contrived execution shit. Then for no fucking reason whatsoever there's a giant robot, and then a kaiju fight. Shit doesn't make any sense.
Gonna play this sucker again. It's my favorite RPG takes me to my childhood. I didn't own the cartdrige, but did beat the game several times. I think it's the game I've beaten the most times. I'm actually about to buy two cartridges tomorrow and two GBAs to play the game and use the link cable to enable some features. I also plan on doing a display mod so they have a better screen and maybe flip them once I'm done with playing that. Maybe turn it into a business restoring old GBAs (not the SP, tho)
Wasteland 2, I got it for free at some point on gog.
Can't even remember when that was.
It's pretty good.
That part was over the top I agree with you.
But the game is fun.
I'm enjoying so far.