Who's enjoying the good remake Yas Forums?

Who's enjoying the good remake Yas Forums?
Trials of Mana has been genuinely a great time

Who's your team?
Is Angela still best waifu?

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Post the cat.

*Sigh* here it is
Now, can we talk about the game?

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Do you mean Belladonna / Isabella

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Hahah, you doomed your own thread.
My job here is done.

She at least looks good in human form too

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Yeah but that version doesn't have the aura of wrongness about it.

Probably the team I’ll go for desu. Dunno if it’s optimal but it’s the most chad choice

Soulless remake
>Game looks it's from 2010
>Poor translation in the year 2020
>No new content in the remake, not even a new secret boss battle
>Gameplay is sluggish and more slow than the original
>Your party members barely has relevant lines for the story
>Everything is linear
>The villages are all empty with personality
>Reclasses are lazy looking
>The VA for the dub is garbage
>The game is easy except for one boss
>The models are very rigid, showing they didn't care putting much of a effort for animation
>Charging full price for a game like this for $60 plus tax

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fair enough I guess

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>>No new content in the remake, not even a new secret boss battle
Talking out your ass, mate.

>Charging full price for a game like this for $60 plus tax
The game is literally $50 american though

Also you don't have to get it, but I'm having a good time

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Current status.

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$40 if you search around key sites.

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post cute girls i'll start

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Only thing I have left for platinum is to do a Hawkeye or Riesz run.

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Rent free

Too easy. They fucked up by not having another difficulty after hard, perhaps as an unlock. But then again the AI is also too dumb to handle it, so having it be harder might not necessarily be a good thing. In other words it's flawed. And, due to all of that I end up picking classes due to looks because why should I care (some people put tiers on the classes, I have no idea why)
I doubt I'll do more than one playthrough, in the end. Maybe two. Definitely two if a difficulty mod is ever made.

>>The VA for the dub is garbage
not using superior Japanese Dub

Actually that team if fairly balanced
Duran is Fighter / Warrior
Reisz is Amazon
Angela is Spellcaster

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What's the consensus best class for Angela last/post-game now? Grand diviner? Magus?

Will Riesz/Angela/Cunny get all the 3 plots?

Nice, wish I would have gotten in Friday to be able to go through it more
I can't wait to put some real hours into the game

50 if you actually want to actually support the devs.

beat it today with duran riesz and kevin now doing postgame
its got its flaws but its fun the whole time its like a 7.5-8/10

No one gets all three plots. It's decided by whoever your main character is.
No matter the route you'll see glimpses into the other two.

Is Nightblade any good for Hawkeye if I'm gonna let the AI control him most of the time?

I wish you unlocked 4th classes earlier. The way it stands you don't really use them too much.

Any mods to let you use 4th class outfits?

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>MFW have Trials of Mana remake, Persona 5 Royal, and Sakura Wars

Going to be spending so much time playing all 3. What a great month for RPGs. Currently at the island after the ghost ship.

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Im hype af for this and SD3 is one of my favorite games.

But I have to know, how fucked is the Switch port?

Should be fine, since a lot of his status effects and instakills activate on normal attacks.

>What a great month for RPGs

Diviner seems to be better before late game due to less sustain issues and other things.

Magus seems to be absolutely busted late game and post game.

Both are still very strong.

30fps and lower resolution
its fine you can find much worse on switch

I've been playing on PC, so I don't know how the Switch port fairs, sorry

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>Magus seems to be absolutely busted late game and post game.
Busted in what way? I'm looking at abilities - is it just damage multipliers?

>mfw 2 of these are have already been out for a while for me
I don't share your situation but have fun

Is it true that Grand Diviner is better as a support while Magus is better as a main?

That, and Ancient Curse being able to wreck large sized bosses.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Trials of Mana remake, Persona 5 Royal, and Sakura Wars all came out this month. Sakura Wars just came out today.

How about for mobs

Is Nightblade better than Ninja Master for unga bunga?

Wound Magic All I and II are straight-up nuts.

>Fighting Zehnoa on hard
>Get to half health
>Spears and wind go faster, randomly, and starts to chuck huge fire spells.
>All while the shapeshifters chase me around
>hitting it with water doesn't slow it down
I don't even know how i did it.

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Sakura Wars any good?

I think your copypasta is for another game?

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Ha, is sneed real?