Why are Japs such masters of the yuri genre while westerners are so shit at it? ESPECIALLY when it comes to video games.
Why are Japs such masters of the yuri genre while westerners are so shit at it? ESPECIALLY when it comes to video games
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are you fat?
do you have a beard?
do you shower twice a month?
because anime characters are made to look and be literally perfect, while western characters are made to look ugly and imperfect/realistic.
japs don't see girl on girl action as a grand political statement like the west does.
westerners don't have soul
Lesbianism in Jap games - Schoolgirls going through a phase
Lesbianism in Western - OMG we are breaking boundaries people
Why do you keep spamming this shit? Yurishitters are just as bad as fujos.
>while westerners are so shit at it?
clearly you werent here that e3 when pic related made this board shitstorm for over a week.
Japs do it because they think it's cute, westerners do it do push an agenda and over-complicate it with autism
no (once a day)
Because it's shit
like with a lot of differences between west and east, it's because the japanese goal is typically to make something they want to whereas the western goal is to preach
>Japanese Lesbians
>All about embracing how wonderful women are
>Western Lesbians
>All about embracing how awful men are
It's pretty easy to understand.
Because westerners feel the need to add their retarded burger politics into everything.
I don't get it. Why are they offended?
Japanese girls look like that in real life too, user
t. live in Japan
I thought american loved lesbian porn?
only cucks love that
I bet you only fap to porn with dicks in it and then call others cucks
nothing faggier than women in porn.
All yes for me.
They do. Because the girls are hot. But tlou2 girls are not. And also not naked. But mostly just not hot.
Why are you replying to me, you schizoid nigger
no yes no
You are a useful idiot.
Women must be a bunch of cuckqueans then.
Never grown a beard in my life.
With the pandemic, it's almost every fucking day after work or after being outside.
there is actually a lot of debate as to whether or not yuri manga is made for a male, or female audience. a lot of it is male artists fantasizing about lesbianism. especially since Japan is brutally repressive of any actual homosexuality. I mean, its all fine to play with, when you are in high school, but don't you dare actually be gay.
Western countries are basically the same: don't be gay, or you will pay for it. but while Japan is used to gay characters in media, the US is insanely conservative with its media. If a woman gets her head sawed off, the movie will get an R rating. if a woman masturbates, it will get an X and no theater will show it.
On the other hand, the US makes a lot of noise about people being who they actually are, and not sucking up to society. which a lot of people take to mean that it SHOULD be okay to be gay. Which is where we are with a half the population demanding more gay representation, and the other half crying like bitches about "forcing the gay agenda".
So, yeah, Japan shits on actual gays, but will allow it in media. in the US, however, it is a political football.
makes sense