Why is heterosexuality being forced in vidya

Why is heterosexuality being forced in vidya.

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fags are a minority

Because it’s a majority that happens and art reflect life

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Heterosexuality is never forced

you guys already got your faggot cat and lizard just shut up


Is it just me or is Reese not smiling in this pic?


>instead of getting a shop that we can express order crafted materials we get some shitty photo event that you'll do once and never again

ur gay lel

What does this have to do with forcing this stuff in my games? I want my video games to be free of any type of politics, I boot my switch up just to stop thinking about the outside world and escape our political relations and then i have to see straight couples on every game. We should try to minimize any type of identity politics in games and focus on having fun and the gameplay.

Because it's the only tree that brings fruit, confirming that nature intended us to behave that way in order to reproduce...
Say thanks to your mom & dad!

She has resting hembra face.

I dont know any married men that arent just soulless extensions of the woman. Marriage is where everything a man loves besides love itself goes to die

Hetero is default and you know it.

>wears an awful lot of makeup
>identical proportions to her husband
>"Reese" is a male name
Yeah... heterosexual...

Attached: 200px-Reese_AF[1].png (200x358, 73.76K)

There would be no humans without heterosexuality so homosexuals are a perversion to life and society.

But you're literally encouraging children to have sex?

Irrelevant. Still don't see why we should force identity politics in video games when it should be a form of escapism.

faggots are so dumb

Reese is the pink one
Cyrus is the husband

How bout I force your head into a vat of acid you gay freak

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>discord tranny thinks this is witty

Attached: KYS_tranny~3.png (670x1024, 948.37K)

Animal Crossing is a wholesome game about making a beautiful and idealistic village full of friendly animals. For this reason, fags are inherently not allowed.

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Don’t worry she will be smiling later.

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Oh it is relevant : just write the full definition of "identity politics" to find out how, and why you lost the argument since the beginning.

Is this a May Day thing? I haven't seen this in game yet.

No it's after Mayday.

it's in June

it's the natural thing to do

Attached: 18-3-2020 15.3.7 2.jpg (1381x947, 155.47K)

>But you're literally encouraging children to have sex?

a tendency for people of a particular religion, race, social background, etc., to form exclusive political alliances, moving away from traditional broad-based party politics. now explain.

remember folks, slippery slope isn't real
also, you know what "false equivalence" means, tranny dilationoid?

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