Beta is online. Go play it right now.

Attached: VanishAttack.webm (1920x1080, 2.94M)

Other urls found in this thread:

How do you get the strong hammer everyone talks about?

Attached: gute and fummy.webm (1280x720, 2.88M)

Kill robots tp increase your stamina/gum size, when prompted make a big bubble and press A. To SPIN TO WIN you press back + A

Ok but are the adult models from the animation going to be uploaded
I need Berecca /SS/

fortnite looks good on switch

was the beta extended or not. shit's still borked on my end

restart the game, you rest losing your queue through

>was in first and even got the drone bonus
>but the ippon bonus made someome else barely beat me
I should get into battles more.

Im masterbating

She cute

Attached: Agustorm_-_Lucy_reactions_NintendoSwitch-1255338146880991232.webm (640x360, 1.77M)

I just finished a match.

Attached: screenshot.png (2557x720, 1.88M)

Same. Isn't the next period in six hours?

>unable to enter game
Fuck, did I miss it already?
Do I just keep trying until I get in?

First for Kappei. Who is very adorable and should be loved endlessly.

Attached: Dabbei.jpg (303x384, 14.15K)

how do I break combos?

I'm really liking hammer Yas Forumsros, but I want to try drill. Any tips?

how did you capture your switch like this?

when can australia join bros

Are the people playing now EU or something?

>tfw youll never eat his plump shota butt
Also holy fuck how are you people even getting in? Games telling me it dont open for 6 hours

>Got first match and finished 3rd
Okay I was a little iffy a first but i'm starting to understand. This is fun af

Yeah, I'm still looking around the twitter account to see if there's an extra timeslot but nothing so far.
What the hell?

>lobby stuck at 7/8
kill me now

hopefully never

I don't think I'm quite getting it yet, it feels kind of weird.
it's going for another 30 minutes

if nothing else, you can get into the character creator now.

>have no idea what i'm doing

What's the difference between ZR (blue hue attack) and R (yellow hue attack)?

OBS fullscreen on my second monitor.

Well I won the first match I was in

dumb seppo

>bubble gum pop
>unable to enter game
>bubble gum pop
>unable to enter game
>bubble gum pop

Attached: [Coalgirls]_Eureka_Seven_Psalms_of_Planets_33_(960x720_Blu-Ray_FLAC)_[1A3E7225].mkv_snapshot_16.40_[2020.04.16_06.22.06].jpg (960x720, 241.5K)

>You can do the Hero Spin with the drill

Attached: 1427488361432.jpg (500x456, 43.71K)

How do you win? Break Daruma mostly? what about gold Daruma?

if I cant play then Im just going to masterbate

>voice 10

to what? let me get in there too

>instead of resetting to neutral the burst forces rps
I'm not sure I'm a fan

>Matching in progress...

OOOH, it's displaced by 1.5 hours then. But I still get the 'not in session' error. Damn.

>won 3/4
>almost twice the amount of points as the 2nd place person

Attached: hes unstoppable.webm (960x540, 2.91M)

R attacks break defenses.


user please refrain from wanting to eat Kappei's shota buns please.

>over 9000
There's no that can be right

Got first place but then the bonifications fuck me over Im so sad right now.

Attached: triste.jpg (1024x962, 66.77K)


Attached: 1587446929775.jpg (347x384, 13.21K)

What happened to all the people? Why finding players is taking so long?

servers crashed lmao

I fucking love the hammer

>went from so full the servers crashed to being unable to find anyone

Looks fun, shame I don't own a Svitch.

is it Ninjala Exclusive Ninja Club in the shop?

jesus, can a japanese company have one successful beta test fucking once? First Strive and now this

>you can dunk the ball and then recall it back for a surprise hit

yeah. But I would recommend you to follow their twitter since the Beta has shit servers

am I missing something? I can't even get past the title screen, can't see the dress room or whatever, let alone find a match.
Is version 1.1, server 000004 the latest?

Yeah, just go and download it for free.

Nope, the servers are always planned just for JP and not a world wide release

Loli tummies~

Attached: 1588020597001.jpg (1280x720, 252.49K)

looks like they reduced the hitstop a bit.

Has anyone done the training mode yet? The extra stages are pretty cool.

Hammer is so UNGA BUNGA. What are the downsides?

Attached: 1571662045825.png (254x254, 40.89K)

Put hip hop 1 as your victory pose for maximum trolling.

>Hit a lagging player 3 times flush and it didn't do jack shit

This is gonna be fun.

Attached: 1551710575872.jpg (600x583, 24.4K)

incredibly short tracking range, mostly

just wanna be clear so i don't waste my time, is this an actually fun game, or is it exclusively for pedophiles like this user?

put it as your losing pose too why not

I don't get the flow of the game. I feel like having a clash is a BAD thing but every encounter I have, it always happens.

Am I doing something wrong?

with the beta online being very shit and the game coming out in less than 5 weeks i'm a bit conceded now

Attached: banjoWOAH.jpg (1665x1439, 1.16M)

It's fun.

only the pedos are getting in the current play session so who can say.

How do I use the hammer?

The drill has no combo break far as I can tell.
No point in using anything else till they nerf it

Gee I sure love not being able to do fucking anything else on my Switch while a game downloads

artstyle is pure shit covered asshole.

If you can actually play that is.

If they guard during a combo press R and you do a defense piecing move. Clashing is kinda bad because it's just luck at that point.

finally got a lobby

It really is shitty design. Just noticed after switching region to Americas that the clock setting is FORCED depending on region. So now I have shitty 12hr clock instead of a proper 24hr one.
Also no folders, the save backup system is worthless, account settings need to be changed from a PC or phone... It's shit.

Play offline games, you must have one or two

The worst part is Nintendo has no need to change anything because they have no direct competition now that sony is done.

Now only that the switch has been the hottest selling item since the virus happen and I doubt that will change anytime soon now that people think it's "rare"

I keeo getting "Opponent not found". Did I do something wrong?

>proper 24hr one
"oy let's hang out, meet me outside at sixteen fifteen chum"
fucking euros i swear

Man what are you guys talking about the ball is amazing.

name an edgier name in 10 characters

Attached: Game Screenshot 2020-04-29 01-08-54.png (1920x1080, 2.04M)

that drill bomb is complete bullshit