Bad puzzle game

Bad puzzle game.
Literally made for retards with no redeeming qualities.
Imagine thinking this game is as good as Talos or Baba.

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Portal 1 is dull but harmless
Portal 2 is reddit: the game

you saved a thumbnail


Portal 1 is fine, Portal 2 is where valve wanted a play along scutscene

It's fine. It's babby's first puzzle game, but it's good for what it is. It's a nice entry point into the genre for normies.

No it's shit.
It doesn't deserve to be praised.


Portal sucks.

wtf talos is shit for actual babies


You gotta keep in mind the tien period. By today's standards, this would be pretty mediocre, but when this was released, just the portal concept was very interesting. It's overall an ok game with fairly simple puzzles and decent story. Obviously today's games are much more interesting, they are newer games.

Why are you making this thread again? Because everyone just talked about how much they liked Portal and that's the opposite of you wanted?

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Oh its this retard again

It doesn't hold up.

It was pretty good for a freebie

>I'm going to make a thread about how I think a game that is generally accepted to be good is actually bad
Is there a worse recurring type of thread on Yas Forums than this?

I thought new game bad, why are you defending baba

>portal / baba
>A 2007 puzzle game isn't as good as a 2019 puzzle game
Hmmm, I wonder why
Substantiate your claim

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It's baby first puzzle game.
It's one of the first normalfag games that ruined gaming.

They were better puzzle games before portal too, zoomie.

>generally acepted
Yeah by normalfags.

>good / challenging


Nice argument
True enough, my comment was pretty basic. So was OP though.
IMO Portal is an excellent game experience, although far too easy. It throws out concepts as fast as it introduces new ones, without exploring depth or complexity. I can see why this would make some dismiss the game entirely, but I was far too entertained.

And for that reason it doesn't deserve to be along with the other gaming classics.


>Portal is an excellent game experience
>And for that reason it doesn't deserve to be along with the other gaming classics

It lacks depth and its too easy unlike Baba.

Baba is easier than playing Baduk against top players, but that doesn't make it a sub-par puzzle game. Please reevaluate your standards and voice an argument that isn't a one line comment, otherwise I won't respond.

Stay mad.
Your game it's not complex or deep.

My favorite puzzle game was exapunks. My friends all think I'm autistic for enjoying Zachtronics games.

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You can't even defend your own point of view, retard OP. As usual, you're just a retard who hates [game] because other people like it.

How tf are least portals/time/steps challenges not complex enough?

Fuck yeah, man, I agree! It's good to see another person who see this game as shit! My girlfriend's and her guy friends play it all the time in front of me and I hate it, but you probably understand how that feels, too.



Portal actually made money whereas the other two games, dunno what the fuck you’re talking about, are literal who games that no one who has had sex knows about. So that’s all that matters.


how many frequent flyer schizos are we up to, now?

Not an argument, dipshit.

Baba is great.

Portal is good.

Talos is overrated.

Prove how the game is good/great.

Baba and Talos are great
Portal is shit.

Stay mad cuck.

OP, genuinely curious: is this the only thread you've reposted? Or do you like reposting a lot of threads? Seriously wondering if this shithole is spawning new reposters or if it's just a small handful of hyper-autists.

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Talos is considered a good game?