Did anyone buy it or did it just completely fly under the radar? I've had my eye on it for months but have seen little to no discussion on it
Did anyone buy it or did it just completely fly under the radar...
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I've literally never played a Sakura Wars game, mostly because I've been unable to. How is this one? Is the romance actually engaging or is it tacked on shit like Persona? And how is the combat?
I got turned off when they announced it was an action game rather then tactical
It sounded like a lot of people were having their copies coming in the next week, so discussion might be a bit on the slow side for now.
>Is the romance actually engaging or is it tacked on shit like Persona?
>Sakura Wars
user, as an elderly player, it was always silly and unrealistic.
Visual Novel/Adventure/SRPG series. This one is more musou ARPG type combat for newcomers.
You can emulate the first game it's in english to see how Sakura Wars plays out.
Well, being silly and unrealistic isn't a problem to me. What I meant is is it actually a focal point that feels fleshed out rather than getting a few scenes here and there while being completely ignored everywhere else, like Persona
Have my copy here on my desk. Going to go get a drink and then play it tonight.
PS: This shit
Was fucking ludicrous to set up. Fuck me, emulation is pain in the ass to set up.
And how the fuck do you look up controller settings on mednafen?
I wanted to get it since that one on the wii caught my attention in a nintendo power years ago, but I missed out on that and largely forgot about the series until now.
Waiting for the PC version, but I plan to get it
Considering that the last game to make it westside was on the PS2 and it was the 5th in the franchise, well, clearly you are a pleeb. Fuck off, normie.
When the only game to be released in the west is the 5th one in the series, you can't expect many people to know about it. Seems like a silly thing to act elitist over
nice attitude, definitely gonna help get more people into this series
Yea it's a pain, had to use a 360 controller and press ALT + SHIFT + 1.
Then you gotta press every button twice for some reason. Dont worry too much about controls, you're mainly using A and B buttons anyway.
Good job pal don't you want people play this game?
idk I just downloaded the saturn core for retroarch that I already had for PS1 and it justwerksed, only annoyance was setting up a .m3u file to make disk switching easier. Then I decided to wait and see if their second patch actually comes out because I can't stand mouths not moving.
Did 75% of the OST really need to be remixes of it though
a thing that someone says to cause amusement or laughter, especially a story with a funny punchline.
You know, I think we're become too jaded around here.
Sorry. was meant for
>I think we're become too jaded around here
You're not wrong. I honestly can't tell when people are being ironic anymore
Did this get released already? Ive seen 0 advertisement or promotionmal material for this.
Ok... I got an XB1 controller attached to the PC. As long as I can google it I'll figure it out.
Im going to, but I never buy games in launch nowadays.
It released yesterday. Honestly SEGA has done a shit job at advertising if they really want this series to become a thing in the west
Yeah, you actually have to be looking for it to find it.
I knew because I preordered my physical copy back when it was announced.
Realistically speaking, what will it take for the series to get ported this way?
The western branch was never going to be inclined to promote the weebiest of absolute weeb games in a series they've refused to localize for 23 years in a genre that's almost never localized. They don't even know how the fuck to sell it so they just threw up their hands and went "sure it's a JRPG whatever"
i dont think advertising it would make a big difference, its ultra niche either way
>Kubo actually drew something for this game that wasn't a bunch of pencil scratches
You win today Kubo.
I sure do miss the original cast.
Whoever designed that letter R and thought, "yeah thats looks good", needs to be fired
It's mediocre as fuck and bombed in Japan, where the franchise is pretty big.