Movie games

it's okay when Japan does it, right?

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well baited fellow redditor

>game has a story
why is Yas Forums like this?

It's just Nintendo fans shitposting that since most Nintendo games outside of Mother barely or don't have a story.
I think this look pretty video gamey to me

Half the game is watching cutscenes

Maybe because it also has gameplay

If they do a better job then yeah

yakuza 0? lol no

Game has a ton of side content.


lol yes

>like 8 different fighting styles
>hundreds of hours worth of sidequests minigames and actual arcade games from the 80s


It's not, but it's not like we're praising this game beyond what it is anyway

You could have posted metal gear...

It's okay if it's a good story.

I know I certainly played the game far more than I watched cutscenes in Yakuza 0. If you're referencing speedruns, you're an idiot.

Clearly you didn’t play it. Half the game is cabaret and real estate management. Nice try 9gag

lol no

>is it good
story driven video game
>is it bad
shitty movie game

>”gameplay” is walking through streets waiting to be attacked by 3 random guys, who you can take out without bit hit once
>rest of game is cutscenes

I wish Yakuza 0 didn't spoil the rest of the series for me. I ended up playing through Kiwami 1 soon after, and it was an absolute slog. Kiwami 2 suffered from similar problems. They're not bad games in any sense, but it was probably a mistake to try and go through them all at once.

About 80% of the game is gameplay
Majority of the voiced cutscenes are in the main story which are a pretty small part of the game considering the amount of content the game has
Even more cutscene heavy missions involve several combat encounters
Also you can skip most cutscenes and dialogue unlike movie games where they blend slow cinematic moments and gameplay where you can't really skip them

0 and 4 and OG Yakuza 2 are the best games in the series

Don't listen to purist retards

Nintendo fans are pathetic

Don't steamroll through games, that's how you get burnout. Play the SHIT out of one game, take a long break, and then move on to the next.
Huh, never heard that one before. People usually like 5 more, myself included. Kino boxart, though.

Attached: 333680-yakuza-4-playstation-3-manual.jpg (800x992, 116.18K)

this guy gets it

When Japan does it it's a niche genre of fans who openly admit they're into playable Jdrama. When the west does it it's a transcendent playing experience of lukewarm gameplay and never ending cutscenes. Yakuza has tons of cutscenes but the gameplay isn't exactly carrying a ladder from point a to point b

Why is the fighting for Kiwami so fucking insufferable. I actively avoid fights in this game because it's so fucking bad. If 0 and Kiwami were developed on the same engine, why do I hate Kiwami's battle system and not 0

Because Kiwami decided to make it so you get knocked down during random attacks in an enemy's combo chain instead of just on enemy finishers like in most of the other games. This leads to a bunch of problems and makes Beast in particular unusable.

I started Kiwami today and thank fucking god i bought the dagger before the Shimano fight because I almost ran out of fucking heat potions at the end and probably would have taken forever to kill him the regular way since he gets super armor in the entire 2nd half of the fight

Reminder that if you use healing items during combat sequences in Yakuza games you never really beat those games.