Broadside Battlesuits ready

Broadside Battlesuits ready.

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Does Dawn of War still hold up?

Is Dark Crusade the best game to start with?


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Definitely and yes DC is a good point to start if you want to skip over the original and WA, and it is generally the most liked, though personally I enjoyed Soulstorm more.

Best to start on the first DoW. Dark Crusades campaign can be a turnoff if you're a fan of linear campaigns.

If you played or want to taste the experience of a tabletop game, go for it

Playing Ultimate Apocalypse is fucking great

Wait, did any of the Dawn of War games actually have a proper Tau campaign with a story and voice acting?

Dark Crusade I guess?

We're off, as soon as the Fuhrer arrives

Yeah, although pathfinding has always been a bit fucked if you are ordering too many guys around at once. Either start with DoW1 vanilla (if you care about the campaigns and lore) or DC if you can't be fucked. Soulstorm is DC1.5, I personally felt the campaign was lacking but it's the very much the same game but with more content.

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It holds up as well as any other early 2000's RTS. Gameplay is good, graphics are a little blocky by current standards but not too bad. Campaign difficulty isn't too hard on normal (easy for DC and soulstorm is a joke)
Start with the first game unless you hate space marines or something.

What's the proper way to play Ultimate Apocalypse?
So much information is outdated, does the solcal patch even work anymore/is it needed?

Holy shit op, I was just playing this last night.

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I've been playing it with my friends again this past week, just doing matches against each other.
I can't play Tyranid for SHIT but I rape them as the Chaos Daemons.
I'm still trying to get good at Necrons though

Bump for this good game

Start with Dawn of War, then Winter Assault and finally Dark Crusade. If you jump into DC first it spoils the experience.
Soulstorm isn't worth playing.

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Who was in the wrong?

Obviously the ravens. Not even an IG guy.

>Tfw UA is kill
>Right before the big patch
Why does it have to be this way?

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Ultimate Apocalypse is shit. If you want Supreme Commander go play Supreme Commander. Titanium Wars or just the base game itself are much better and the former doesn't make it a radically different game.

Ravens were over stepping major boundaries, Space Marines or not. Fighting a regiment of Guards because you don't want them to discover your chapter's artifacts is a big no-no even though Dark Angels have been doing it for millennia.

What do you mean? what happened?

>Soulstorm isn't worth playing.
Fuck off.
There is no other 40k game out there that offers a more complete roster of all the canon 40k factions in one package.

Is Titanium War less buggy/add new races?

The modding team got tired of Cylarne channeling his inner Notch while ordering them around like peasants and left.

>Who was in the wrong?
both of them
dumb humies are supposed to let the boyz do the krumpin

I can't remeber if it was Soulstorm or Dark Crusade but I will never forget how fucking grueling the final stronghold mission of Tau was while playing Chaos
>they start with a bombardment special objective that can aim anywhere
>have to micromanage troops to keep them out of fire
>capture bombardment position
>they send endless waves of kroot apes and knarlocs
>firewarriors literally going all over the map recapping as soon as my army makes any progress
>mass infiltration strat doesn't work, they have shittons of detection units
>get fucking tired, put my spawn points over their base and just spam build vehicles
>daemon prince and bloodletter die like 20 times during the match

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Who told you this?

>implying anyone gives a rat's ass about the sisters or dark eldar
All DC needed was tyranids and and better balance to be flawless. It's otherwise a 9/10. Soulstorm is a soulless cashgrab and is only good for memes. Also the tyranid mod is garbage.
Basically just adds tons of things on top of the base game. It balances DC properly by giving everyone absurd bonuses and super weapons. It adds new races in Soulstorm but not in Dark Crusade (which I appreciate since race mods always suck). Additionally it is 100% compatible with the campaign and fixes the difficulty being lazy (gives enemies better AI rather than either doubling or halving stats). It also increases unit caps and allows greater zoom. Only downside for me is that the devs added voice acting for certain new units (a few on orks, one on tau and one on eldar) that totally blow.

>be the ua mod team
>be a bunch of slightly competent retards """lead""" by king of incompetence, Lord Cylarne
>he does nothing but use UA to shill for his youtube channel and because of his literal autism he admits this readily and without shame
>mod team says they want to split and be productive away from his fuckery
>cylarne claims he will take legal action at the mod team for "Stealing" "his" mod
>they are so utterly moronic that they believe him and so they've just given up on the mod

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I like these games, but even as a fan, it's impossible to refute that the game is objectively imbalanced and that some of the factions were just blatantly bullshit and overpowered.

Anyway, get Unification mod as a substitute.

nuns with guns and edgy elf gimps>gay mary sue xenomorphs

The team informed people on the Discord. There was accompanying screencaps as proof, which aren't exactly 100% trustworthy, but Cylarne hasn't refuted any of it. Regardless, the whole modding team packed up and left.

That's soulstorm. I honestly don't remember it being too bad in any. It was one of the last I dealt with though.
I don't recall the enemy waves being nearly as bad as they were in the DC tau stronghold. Did you fail to stop the reinforcements?

>default skybox and fog
As a former map maker, this shit pisses me off.

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>legal action
>for a game over a decade old published by a company that has since gone under
>for a mod to this game
>that uses GW's IP
>giving some autist online your actual contact info so he can sue you
what a ball of autism

cylarne is an incompetent autistic retard that is more driven by views on his shitty youtube channel and watching pointless numbers go up than actually making a good product, the mod team members were tired of this and his terrible communication skills and were trying to break away to work on their own project, lord suck and fuck threw a sperg fit over this and also refused their offer for themselves to part ways and work on their own thing, the fucking morons on the team for some reason decided that they wanted his blessing to proceed because they were afraid that he would drag their names through the mud if they kept working without his permission because they're idiots with delusions of grandeur, cylarne is a turbo autist and the mod team is idiots, simple as.

can't remember the exact details but it just felt like they were producing knarlocs way too fast for me to deal with.
No other faction gave me that kind of trouble during that campaign.

Playing as Ork against the Tau stronghold in Soulstorm was a nightmare, considering that the Tau in that game are designed to absolutely rape the living shit out of melee-centric factions with shit mobility.

I think this is my favorite skybox in the entire game.

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>cylarne claims he will take legal action at the mod team for "Stealing" "his" mod
That never happened. They all know that GW would come down on them all like a sack of bricks if he tied that. The real reason is that 90% of people who know about UA think Cylarne does everything and that he will 100% channel his autism into harrassing them for the rest of forever if they tried to take the mod with them

the fuckshit retard cylarne was also greatly disliked by the mod team because they felt he didn't do enough work and wasn't motivated, but apparently they thought he was motivated and adept enough at communication to run a smear campaign on them, idk if you've ever heard or seen cylarne talk, but its an event, a display of an underdeveloped smoothbrain attempting to interact with what are compared to him eldritch beings, and that's just when he's talking to the idiots on the discord

How do you stop a goose attack?

>channel his autism
he's incapable, he can't even complete simple thoughts in text, what the fuck is he trying to say in this image?

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Very carefully.

>He's never seen a turbo autist go on a one-man eternal crusade against someone they hate
The mod team knew what they had to do in trying to get him to pass the buck peacefully. Nothing is worth that shittery.

That's unfortunate. I only like UA because Dark Eldar Raider comes with warriors riding it by default, and because the fog was removed from all the maps. If you want to play with Chaos Daemons and the Inquisition, get Unification mod.

Never underestimate an autist who feels he's been wronged.

You don't.

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>Never underestimate an autist who feels he's been wronged.
Interesting quote

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Funny thing, the patch would probably have been out sooner if they weren't so busy with porting every single relic game asset in existence for da grafix


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What makes Titanium War better than UA?
Any specifics?
What races does TW add?

He's too retarded, I'm not just saying that, I've read his posts, they never get better. He's just a fucking retard that isn't capable of delivering a thought. He's also basically the discord equivalent of dumb normie niggers that think that liking the office is a personality and would probably have a breakdown if he was confronted with such a task.

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Dark Crusade > Retribution > Dawn of War > Dawn of War II / Chaos Rising > Space Marine > Winter Assault > Soulstorm >>> Dawn of War III

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