>entire game is broken by CQC
Yeah, MGS2 is better.
>entire game is broken by CQC
Yeah, MGS2 is better.
Other urls found in this thread:
More like EZ gun that breaks the game.
MGS2 has tranq gun w/ unlimited silencer...MGS3 balances this buy giving silencers durability.
CQC is only super-effective if you are playing on difficulty levels meant for women.
>MGS3 balances this buy giving silencers durability.
Then breaks itself by allowing you run up to enemies and instantly knock them out.
MGS3 has a good camera view of course it's easier
The more open design of the environments in MGS3 makes the 3rd-person camera a necessity IMO, but it doesn't break the game because the radar is gone.
shut up
You can't do that during caution
what? you have to get close to enemies to use cqc and even then it doesn't do anything more than a tranq headshot
even on extreme difficulty I never ran out of suppressors so I'd say that they're what breaks it, but then mgs2 is broken too
volgin was unenjoyable for me on normal, but on extreme it was just pure pain and I couldn't tell much a difference between extreme and normal besides fewer resources, not being able to carry as much and no radar/sonar
god damn The End was fun as fuck though
Every MGS is completely broken without self imposed limits.
CQC was good although oddly enough done better in PW despite PW being a portable game first. What makes 3 definitely worse than 2 is me feeling the need to constantly change camo.
>but you don't have to-
I know user. It still doesn't change the fact that I feel as if I NEED to change the camo. The game was definitely intended to be played like this and it sucks you can't change this shit quicker or even just automatically done for you.
CQC is annoying and sucks compared to the old system or Chaos Theory. Using analog face buttons to decide when to interrogate someone or slit their throat is retarded.
doing this game on european extreme was goddamn miserable during the grozny grad escape section HOLY FUCK
MGS2 stops being a stealth game after the harrier
that section had potential to mimic mgs1 gameplay some more, instead of camo you hide being things, bait guards by knocking but instead it's just pure shit unless you just run
hide behind* things
>breaks itself by allowing you run up to enemies and instantly knock them out.
>run up
Running triggers them to turn around.
MGS2 is probably the hardest because of the AI radio check-ins.
Nah it just puts a timer on you to be quick leaving the area. That's it. MGS3 with OG camera was some infuriating shit.
But MGS2 basically stops being a stealth game halfway in just like MGS1. The second half of MGS2 is basically just cutscenes and boss fights. At least MGS3 has large sections of stealth right up until the very end. The pacing is so much better compared to MGS1 and 2 its not even funny.
Yes and the final boss is actually this genius amalgation of the Stealth/Action style of MGS.
That's basically the point of the base invasion subgenre of games. Everything from metroid to MGS, you enter the base with nothing but essential tools, build your arsenal as you slowly crawl through the early sections, and then eventually become strong enough to take down the entire base on your own.
>You can't instantly knock out enemies in MGS2
Retards don't know about crotch/ass punching.
Agreed, but one thing I hate about MGS3's CQC is that you have to initiate it at a stupidly long distance away from the target. It doesn't make sense visually.
lol, no. MGS2 could be annoying, but long sections of MGS3 were boring slogs, esspecially the end.
but CQC is fun
are you fucking serious user? i thought i knew everything about this game
cqc is literally the best part of metal gear solid overall
Yes but in mgs 1 you can sprint around without guards hearing you and their field of view is much smaller.
When are we going to get a MGS1 remake?
It's called the twin snakes.
I mean an MGS1 remake that isn't banished from the records of history.