Rewrite The Last of Us part 2

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>Rewrite The Last of Us part 2
Ok sounds fun. Can you give me more parameters because otherwise I'll probably go off the rails.

>rewrite TLoU 2
No, scrap it altogether and move on to something new. Developers, producers, and other lecherous cretins just don't want to let go of their cash cows nowadays because they know they can sell hot shit under a good name and people will still buy it.
Nobody wants to take anymore risks after they've already "made it".

This game shouldn't have a sequel. At the very least they should've focused on a different set of characters maybe in a different region/country as well.

And here I was thinking part 2 would be fireflies seeking revenge half game and Joel and Ellie finding a cure/vaccine and saving the world... Not sjw shits and fucks.

A story that focuses on Joel and Ellie, in search of Ellie's mom Anna.

You do realise rewriting the game would take another few years plus millions of more dollars worth of reshoots and development?

He wont, he has fallen for Feminist frequencies scam.

where can I find the leaked gameplay leaks? its been scrubbed from Youtube

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You guys are still Seething that your beloved Joel died.

I feel like Journos are setting of these huge IP in movies and games to fail (sooner or later)
Their topics alienates ordinary people. How is that going to make them interested in the game when they read that headline?

It's not gonna happen, at best they'll rewrite very specific scenes in the game to make it easier on players to digest much of the story. Joel dies but not because Abby kills him, Ellie fights a bunch of guys from the fireflies seeking revenge but in the end the story will center on her relationship with her buddies.

Literally remove the characters from the first game. Give me a different perspective.
This is the same issue as dishonored 2. The setting can be used, not the characters. Once their arc is complete, drop them.

Mark my words - we will get a surge of "gamer entitlement" articles from the game journos.

this will be Mass Effect 3 x1000

Anna was hungry so she stole a loaf of bread. She got caught and spent 20 years in jail.

Pretty sure Sony delayed the game indefinitely to try and salvage it. Announcing a June release the day after leaks goes against them indefinitely delaying the game. Way too soon

>Both Ellie and Joel dies
killed off your "ICONIC" female character, for what Twitter brownie points?

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Imagine if Naughty Dog actually redid all of this content alone before release in 3 fuckin weeks
And those poor bastard think they knew crunch BEFORE the leak

..............By sheer fucking chance, I find this just now, right before I was ready to log off and go to bed. Why in sweaty fuck is this a thing?

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>trans friendly
>its batshit insane, kills the favorite character and nearly kills other beloved one with her ape hands

Is like making a sequel to Logan, or really any movie with a similar tone, is all about the journey and growth, I don't care about their their future story outside an epilogue

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Isn’t this kind of an insult to trannies anyway as they would want to see themselves as feminine? Or is he appealing to the any% group of trannies that barely try to even look like a woman?

I actually think Ellie and Joel could have had a decent 2nd story. There were many ways there story could have continued. This wasnt the way.

I knew Joel was gonna die, but not like this.

Not like this

If I was writing it I would have gone with something like
> 2 years after the original, Ellie is 16
> She finds out Joel lied to her
> In a fit of teenage rebellion, she sets of to try to make a cure herself
> Game alternates between Ellie chasing some Macguffin with Joel chasing after her playing through the same areas after her
> What you do as Ellie affects Joel's playthrough, similar to what Resident Evil Revalations 2 did, but way more in depth.
> Joel meets up with a woman and learns to love again after the loss of his pseudo-wife in the first game
> Ellie eventually finds the cure, but can't get it alone. Joel and his new gf show up just in the nick of time and save her
> Moral is that you can't do stuff alone just because you had a disagreement and it's important to put aside your differences and stick with your loved ones
It's not gonna win any Oscars, but it's a million times better than the actual plot.

Literally all it had to be was-
>Ellie and Joel living in Tommy's settlement
>Fireflies heard of Joel murdering their leader and come to kill him, attacking the settlement and killing Ellie's dyke girlfriend
>Ellie goes out on a rampage for revenge and wants to murder all fireflies
>Joel follows her and eventually catches up, explains to her why the fireflies attacked, and that he lied to Ellie at the end of TLOU1
>Ellie is so upset at Joel that she goes off on her own again, captured somehow
>Second half of the game is playing as Joel, fucking up everyone in his way just to save Ellie
>The ending is Joel sacrificing himself to save Ellie, and Ellie eventually understands why Joel made the decisions he did in the past game
Would've been so easy

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>joel and ellie live in the settlement joela brother runs
>some group of assholes attack the settlement, apparently trying to steal shit
>joel and ellie wreck them badly
>Joel has a confrontation with the group's leader, and a thug gets a potshot in and mortally wounds him. He dies
>the group take off, and its later discovered they were there looking for someone
>ellie finds out this someone is a young man who lives there (let's call him john) and they got him and ran after they killed joel
>ellie goes after them to get revenge
>as the game progresses, ellie recaptures John and discovers the group was after him to use as leverage against his father
>John's father betrayed the bad guys leader and stole some nukes they had gotten their hands on. They want them back, so they went after his kid
>the villain's plan is basically to use nukes to crown himself king, do and take whatever he wants. He's already raised a small, growing army to help do it
>bad guys ultimately get their nukes and kill John's father
>ellie and John go after them and John dies fighting the villain
>ellie (after some action movie bullshit) fights with the villain and kills him.
>the nukes turn out to be worthless, because John's father had removed vital parts, rendering them harmless.
>ellie returns home, visits Joel's grave and puts a headstone for John near it
>she gets on with her life, the end

>don't make a female character to be trans friendly
>say trans women aren't women
naughty dog is actually based

you guys are still dilating after chopping your dicks off

What's the actual plot of TLoU2?