How did the trans community gain so much power over the industry?

How did the trans community gain so much power over the industry?

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Other urls found in this thread: the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred of Gays in the 90s&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

Dilating gets you a long way

So it is the trannies ruining women in games it all makes sense now

I knew that's why females kept looking increasingly ugly or masculine over the years.

>challenging problem

How did it reach the point where these designers don't just scoff at this nonsense and do what they want? I refuse to believe more than a few nitwits on social media would complain to them about "lack of transgender representation."

America in general has an underdog complex, we naturally want to root for the little guy and win or lose doesn't matter.
That being said, after gay marriage got passed the dopamine from being an "ally" was gone and things were actually chill for a minute before the trans thing started. And fortunately for them there's no endgame goal for what trannies even want that'll get them to shut up (bathrooms? military? tax funded castrations?) so we'll be stuck here for a while.

You should read this book. the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear & Hatred of Gays in the 90s&lg_topic=libgen&open=0&view=simple&res=25&phrase=1&column=def

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Jewish subversion merely uses them as a tool. Their power isn't real, only their targets.

They threaten to ruin people's careers and livelihoods if they don't comply and have managed to insert themselves in every game studio HR department where they fester like a cancer.
They bully, coerce and hurt those that don't give them what they want.

And it's tolerated because if you speak out, you're a transphobe, a bigot and cancelled. You'll likely also go to jail should you dare to do so in public.

Every troon should join the 41% club, lets make it a 100%!

How did the gaming industry falter to a bunch of faggots. Why do men who suck dick and men who pretend they are women need to be protected and represented again?

Based on what? That's a fake image. As always, OP is a faggot that can't stop bringing up his closeted fetish.

seems to be woke white women doing most of the damage for progressive points with the occasional male jew, the trannies are generally too mentally ill physically damaged to sustain any employment

Attached: trammy.png (800x448, 635.65K)

>draw a boy
>call it a girl
Also saged for spam.

They're nazis

Attached: gay trannynazi.jpg (750x1073, 190.2K)

the squeaky wheel gets the grease

They didn't. They're useful idiots. The corporations are the ones who socially engineered the trannies and broke society producing so many of them. You have everything backwards.

That just means it's more androcentric which is still transphobic
checkmate retard

So what was the conclusion?

I used to hate trannies, but you guys are so fucking obnoxious with the TLOU spam that I'm now donating money to support trans kids.

Fuck you faggots, get fucked.

why did the homo agenda have to ruin rainbows for everyone?

This, except it was my 7 year old trans son who made the decision, and everyone clapped afterwards.

>why is Yas Forums so obsessed with trannies lmao

Yeah it's not like you have entire game devs working just to not offend them, literally verbatim from the devs own mouths

Stop being obsessed with this nonexistent thing Yas Forums haha


How did the trans community start living rent free inside the average Yas Forumsedditor? Ya'll obsessed with them

marketing, and buying good reputation
look at overwatch managed to take off heat by announcing soldier was gay

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Because we didn't outlaw the practice of HRT and sex change surgeries.

By non-stop talking about them and throwing tantrums every other day, Yas Forums only made normal people like trannys more and want to include them.

Geek Social Fallacy #1: Ostracizers Are Evil
Geek Social Fallacy #2: Friends Accept Me As I Am
Geek Social Fallacy #3: Friendship Before All

Simple as

Because they've inserted themselves everywhere and made themselves impossible to ignore.

>women have to have to deal with females who aren't like them even though they are a 500:1 ratio of actual female to tranny
>men playing pretend have to be catered to over actual women

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Traps aren't trannies kys

Is there a source for this other than an outrage mob website and Yas Forums screenshots?

Alinsky tactics: the cause is never the cause, the revolution is the cause.
