Post a opinion, others will say if they agree or disagree
Post a opinion, others will say if they agree or disagree
Fallout 3 isn't as bad as Yas Forums says it is (but NV is still better)
all video games are shit
OP is a faggot
Good games are deliberately rated substantially lower if they are too difficult or don’t pander to leftist censorship rules (IE: Dark Souls, SoulCalibur VI, NieR Automata)
Shit games that people forget in a month are rated higher by journalists if they pander to trannies (IE: Persona 5 Royal, is the same as the original but has a 95 Metascore for censoring Ryuji making fun of gays)
I agree
Witcher 3 is boring and Geralt is gay
i agree
I agree, never understood the insane hype over this game
playing it on death march was the best decision i made.
>Implying Automata isn't the latter
disagree but i agree because geralt is a confirmed homosexual
Uncharted 3 had awesome online, both PVP and COOP.
Agree, there's a couple parts of FO3 that I do enjoy over NV
Must be nice living in whatever fantasy land where what you say is true
Zelda is awful and ocarina of time is the most overrated game ever
Smash is a party game
Seething, jannies already btfo’d Anti-OOT zoomers
There is more variety in gaming today and many old games have not aged well mechanically
Yep. Never understood people who liked the witcher series
Witcher 3, TLOU, Odyssey, RDR2, Me2, GTA V, Minecraft, Halo, BOTW & FF7 are the most overrated games ever made
Dumbass, he said opinions, not facts
Disagree, consoles aged like shit. The games are fine, Tekken 3 is a example. Perfect game, but the piece of shit PS1 hardware holds it back. It’s why Dreamcast games age perfectly since they run at 60 FPS
I did not care for Quake
Dark Souls is the MCU of video games
OoT is mediocre compared to pretty much any modern video game. You don't have to respond to me because I'm objectively right.
Holy shit I agree with every single one of these.
except Halo the soundtrack alone carries those games
what? how could you say that?
>still denying leftist agenda in media
Only fantasy land is the one you're in, fag.
With a few exceptions, most games from the 8-bit era (or earlier) weren't actually that good.
While the 8-bit era served as a strong foundation, it was the 16-bit era that started to produce truly great games.
SMT isn't that good.
i like video games
Have to agree, the only ones I’ve ever enjoyed were the Capcom games. They just don’t do anything particularly well that interests me. I feel like I might have enjoyed BotW if I hadn’t already played a thousand other open world games that do what it does but better.
BOTW, Mario Odyssey, and Smash Ultimate are not S tier games on the switch. In fact they are only B tier.
The N64 honestly sucks in retrospect. Probably just one step above the Wii U, if that.
Could be a thirst for more medieval shit and it has a weird split between lo and high fantasy. It's a unique take on mythological creatures. The audio books were pretty nice.
this, they're literally designed to release dopamine and ultimately waste your time. do anything else with your lives, anons.
>isn't as bad as Yas Forums says
imagine taking any opinion from Yas Forums seriously.
this board just hates every popular games and loves obscure shitty games
I live in reality where Dark Souls and Nier Automata were universally highly praised by critics and even given GOTY by some. And how in the fuck is Souls ‘anti-leftist’ lmao it’s one of the most apolitical games out there
Earthbound is no masterpiece.
Final Fantasy 7 (the original one) was overrated
BoTW is a good game
Metal gear Revengeance is only relevant because of meme power
Disagree, it's a masterwork
Hollow Knight, Stardew Valley, Shovel
Knight, and Terraria are shit games
Critics should be forced to re-review the games they gave 10/10 scores, since lots of games aren’t as good the second time you play it
Animal Crossing NH is a terrible game
Bioshock 1 is shit
The only reason people consider Megaman 2 to be the best of the classic series is because its also the easiest, including the japanese version. people dont like the other games because they got filtered by the difficulty fast
Animal Crossing is like those shitty fetch quests you have to do in RPGs except that’s the entire game. I don’t understand the appeal at all.
MGS is a terrible series for brainlets who don't read serious literature and are thus impressed by any semblance of "story"
>San Fransico Rush
You just unearthed a memory that I really didn't want to remember
>be like less than 10 years old or some shit
>over a friend's house
>he had a tricked-out outdoor shed remodeled into a gaming room
>playing N64, SF Rush
>there's like a sandbox/free run mode or someshit
>one of the obsticles was 100% a set of titties protruding out of the ground
>we joke about it, laugh it off
>next time
>we play SF Rush again
>he says "why don't we play that freerun mode again"
>go to the tit mounds
>we both end up jacking off
God fucking damn it
"good game bad" and "Nintendo bad" aren't really unpopular opinions, they're just memes made either by trolls on contrarians.
Nah, it's shit.
Final Fantasy has been shit since XIII including the VII remake
Metal Gear Solid is honestly a shit tier stealth game and the precursor of modern cinematic walkie-talkie garbage, only consolebabies that didn't play Thief don't know this.
It insists upon itself
Real answer: I didn't get to try it until probably the late 90s and by then I had already experienced shit like Unreal and Half Life. I'm sure full 3d was mind blowing when Quake was new. For me though it just feels like there's less cohesion in the overall design than there was for Doom and the weapons felt really unsatisfying. Also I fucking suck at all iterations of Quake deathmatch
Minecraft is a great game.
JRPGs are the genre that aged worst.
Most of the JRPGs that are classics now are medicore at best. Unless it had an interesting story with good pacing they suck now. Suikoden, Breath of Fire, Wild arms etc.
New Super Mario Bros. 2 is the best of the NSMB series.
>Dark Souls
No Dark Souls was mostly ignored or outright panned, DS2 is when critics and journos started praising the "series" as amazing.
Dark Souls 2