How can I enjoy free vydias without being assfucked by russian miner niggers?

How can I enjoy free vydias without being assfucked by russian miner niggers?

Attached: WXaRu3kO_400x400.jpg (192x192, 6.93K)

dont be retarded enough to not know how to use codex

She cute!


Attached: khuy.jpg (600x406, 46.23K)

What do you even need repacks for, retard? are you on a metered connection? Whatever few minutes you save downloading, you're going to lose during installation.
Get a brain, moron.

because you get all in one install you retarded fuck, also it takes less disk space

>because you get all in one install you retarded fuck
How is that any different from a full installation, you idiotic cunt? How do you even manage to tie your own shoelaces?
The game is going to be exactly the same size after installation.
Jesus Christ, lay off the paint chips.

Less disc space for installation files which you delete afterwards anyway

fitgirl doesn't need to pack in miners because there is unironically a pack of simps who mine for him because he larps as a woman


BR monkeys and russian niggers

Nothing's free, if you didn't use money you are the product.

you're missing the point, dumbass
repacks by an actual high quality scene will normally include all the patches and dlc and other stuff all in one install, so you don't have to go around finding everything individually and hoping it all works together then finding a crack that works with all of it and not having the thing just crash on startup
also, the slower installs are only if your rig sucks, I've never had any fitgirl repack take more than an hour to install, the time and hassle saved in other ways is more than worth it

that's never really been universally true, especially on the internet where autists will invest huge amounts of effort in things purely for attention or whatever the internet equivalent of 'street cred' is

Incorrect on several accounts. Stop huffing the jenkem.

>What you own, owns you

>repacks by an actual high quality scene
The scene doesn't do repacks. Also scene releases updates, which the repackers run during installation.
There's absolutely no point unless you have data caps, and a repack isn't going to help much either.
It's amazing when some retard gets all adamant about shit like this.

What are some good sources of not repacked games with updates/dlc/patches?

>Incorrect on several accounts.
Any examples you'd like to share, idiot?
Just put a picture of some actress on anything and trained chimps like this lad will download it.

The internet, usually. And newsgroups, but you have to pay for that.

>There's absolutely no point unless you have data caps
if you were archiving a collection of games what would you chose, a 60GB version or a 30GB version

This isn't a practical use, you're just reaching. If you're archiving installers, a few gigabytes aren't going to make the difference on your NAS.
It's pathetic, the lengths you retards go to.

different user but the ability to cut out useless files like foreign audio packs cuts down on file sizes.
For several games, there is an option to choose the quality of the video files

cast her

is fitgirl putting miners in? my gpu ran at 70c+ for the first time from a fitgirl game

I can agree on that, but the option isn't present on every release, and the lack of those files can and will break some games that expect to have them available.

I noticed you avoided answering the question, can't imagine why, also archives than can use half the space is hardly a few GB

so what would you chose to archive, 30GB or 60GB versions?

Audrey Tautou idiot.

Buy an IPT account or get into red and suck enough admin cock to get invited to another tracker.

what game?

60gb lossless formats if available, every time, but I'm not a poorfag.

Usually, I have seen that issue with audio files occur if there are no audio files at all, so I always keep an English one there, or some other language just in case. And yeah, I do agree with you, it is a seldom seen feature but one none the less. I cleaned my torrentz folder out and I culled nearly 500gb of useless foreign audio files yesterday, as well as movie files. I use her repacks as it is a convent delivery to get all the dlc.

(((outer worlds)))

If your archiving you want the best possible product, that means not the shitty repack

I'me talking about the exact same releases, i.e a scene release at 60GB or the exact same release at half the size, let me guess you'd chose the 60GB version right.