/m/an thread

Let's discuss some games with big fuckin' robots in it, shall we?

How is it possible that a game like front mission 3 is forgotten by everyone nowadays? This game is one of the best the ps1 has to offer.

Attached: ps1_front_mission_3-120314.jpg (640x633, 83.31K)

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I thought that nothing thereafter got localized until the PS3 shooter and that shitty stealth game

FM3 is one of my favorite JRPGs. Armored Core has suffered a severe decline too, although I do love AC5's fever dream of endless war intro cinematic.

I didn't even know that Left Alive was Front Mission related until months after it came out.

It truly shows how square doesn't give fuck for this series.

FM3 is top kino but the skill system is ass

/m/ is a garbage board overrun with moralfag tokushit garbage

Any other games where you can explore a world map like in Xenoblade Chronicles X?

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>no good western mech games since titanfall
And japan keeps pumping out edgy shit instead of kino like the gundam FPS arcade game

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*flying around in a mech that is

>no good western mech games since titanfall
MechWarrior 5 had a chance. Fuck PGI

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>skill system is ass
t. rof combo guy

You can literally break the game by abusing the skill system to the point that even the missilers can annihilate a wanzer in one turn or take the enemy wanzers just by killing the pilots. All of this can be done mid game.

Eh. Front mission Evolved and Left Alive ruined the franchise. I do like Front Mission 4 and 5 though


Attached: armored-core-5-wallpaper.jpg (600x337, 77.84K)


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ps1 was the most /m/etal onsole
>front mission
>armored core
>assault suits valken 2
>mad stalker
>metal cavalier
>metal jacket
>gundam games
>mechwarrior 2
>space griffon vf9
>future cop lapd
>ghost in the shell
>macross digital mission
>gundam battle assault
and probably some more stuff i forgot too

Don't expect anything good coming, especially from western guys, this genre is a blessing only if you're a jap or know the language itself sadly.
This game looks gimmicky as fuck.

Intro was fucking hype

Attached: maxresdefault (3).jpg (1280x720, 40.47K)

I STILL want FM5 in English dammit.

God I wish there's a good Gundam RTS set in Gryps Conflict. Where the three main factions are AEUG, TITANS and Neo Zeon.

I remember playing this game. I lost a battle because one of my characters missed two 99% hit chances in a row

There's the gihren's greed even though they're grand strategy.
I also remember someone talking about a gundam total conversion for a certain rts.

>Armored Core has suffered a severe decline
>the last game in the series was one of the best and deepest
Also this, the more you get into mecha the more you realise /m/ is basically "gundam newfags: the board"

The fuck are you talking about? MW5 never had a chance with PIG at the helm.

There are fan translated .iso's floating around.

Much like most iterations of each MechWarrior title. MW5 had multiple versions.
There was MechWarrior Prime being developed by the guys at FASA studios.
Then there was a version of MechWarrior 5 in 2009. youtube.com/watch?v=ONEjoRQ0Cg8
Finally there's the broken UE4 game we have today.

Attached: MechWarrior Prime cockpit.jpg (1024x768, 73.66K)

M8, I played it 2 months ago twice. Fan translation finished half a decade ago.

I had fun stomping around MW5. They just needed to fix the spawn and not make the game last 5 minutes per mission. Maybe add a couple more dynamic mission objectives and repair bay stations or let me field THE REST OF MY MECHS. Why the fuck do devs keep limiting how many mechs you can deploy? The entire point is more robutt dakka.

I'd wager you have fun stomping around in your own excrement as well.

Repair backpacks were a mistake.

Attached: piecesatisfyinglyslidesintoplace.webm (800x600, 2.36M)

My mom said when I was a kid I used to play with my own shit all the time. Just the happiest 9 month old wiping shit all over the place.

How'd you turn off your shadows?

I love the mechs in edf 5.
Too bad that vehicles control like shit.

Attached: edf_h.jpg (1920x1080, 573.33K)

Front Mission 4 got translated on PS2. Front Mission 2 and 5 were never translated but got fan translated. The remake/port of 1 on Nintendo DS was translated (Front Mission but in Japan it's Front Mission 1st)

this looked fun
and then it explained it and it ruined it
why would you make a fucking turn based mecha game

The mechs control awesomely, but literally every other sort of vehicle, helicopters in particular are unbelievably bad.

>why would you make a fucking turn based mecha game
Why not?

3D Portraits were a mistake, the 2D ones in FM4 were so fucking nice.

Attached: FM4.jpg (960x720, 112.48K)

I'm interested in getting started with mech stuff, anime, novels, games, movies, whatever, but my only experience is pretty slim pickins. I never saw gundam, I never saw any macross, I've played a small handful of mech games
ring of red on ps2
MSGO with /m/ back in the day when I was being paid to shill for a VPN, and SDGO because for some reason I loved it more than anything else in the world.
Any advice?

>For fun
Getter Robo
Star Driver
>For medium
SPT Layzner
SDF Macross
>For serious